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They will present the business city in Chacras de Coria

Argentina. With the contribution of South African and English capital, a center is planned where work, business, relaxation and gastronomy spaces are combined.

This November 23, the project "Chacras Park", a venture  of the international group Kaikoura, will be officially presented. Located on 11 hectares on the Pan-American Route, in front of the roundabout of the caracoles of Chacras de Coria and at the junction with the Western Corridor, office buildings, gastronomic premises, health space, gym, bank, etc. will be built.

Richard Brake, President of the Kaikoura Group explains:  "The Kaikoura Group thinks ahead of all its real estate projects and tries to develop buildings and infrastructure with a focus on duration. In that sense, we believe that investing in modern and sustainable technologies is not only necessary, but also economically effective if you think about it in the long term. Chacras Park is an example of all this. Perhaps the greatest enjoyment of my work here has been given by having engaged with the people of the country. I am delighted with Mendoza, in particular, and impressed with the caliber and professionalism of the people who now work with us at Chacras Park. Let us hope that this will be the first of numerous projects, and that we can play an increasingly significant role in this new era of development and growth in Argentina.

For his part, Federico Méndez, CEO of Newlands Developments, says:  "When Richard came to Mendoza for the first time, we created and began to develop Newlands developments, departments with services in a nice area of the Province as the 5th section. But we always wanted to build offices because we knew that need was still unmet in Mendoza. Then, I had the idea of doing offices in Chacras because many people moved to the center. We believe that Mendoza and Argentina are opening up to the world and expanding, whereas before we had some difficult years in terms of investments. Today there is a lot to do, and that implies opportunities for us and to bring ideas and practices that help improve our day to day. We are very proud of Mendoza. It has been a city that everyone who visits... enjoy."

- Publicidad -

Chacras Park in detail

The 11 hectares of Chacras Park will be developed in 6 stages over the next 10 years. Each stage promises new and exciting experiences;

New Office Buildings / Medical Center / Banks / Pharmacy  Residential Apartments / Residence for the Elderly / Baulera Deposits  / Gym / Playground / Nursery / Bike Paths

The completed project shall include:

  • •  62,500 m² of office space
  • •  13,000 m² of commercial space
  • •  30 500 m² of residential apartments  
  • •  3000 parking spaces; 2000 subsoil and 1000 at level
Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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