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How to achieve more efficient constructions?

Colombia. The transport and distribution of energy in constructions is a primary need, and more when it is necessary to obtain products that provide greater safety, durability and practicality in constructions. 

Therefore, Schneider Electric, a leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has strengthened its offer of electric pipelines in the Colombian market thanks to the design of solutions focused on meeting the highest quality standards, through its two offers of bar ducts.

Schneider Electric bar ducts are the perfect solution for their reliability, durability and ease of installation. These make up a prefabricated system for the transport of energy within a protective cover, which has different accessories such as straight sections, elbows, connectors and bypass boxes, which provide greater flexibility in its design and installation.

Thinking about each type of construction

- Publicidad -

These systems are present at all levels of electrical distribution: from the junction between the transformer and the low voltage board, in office lighting or in power distribution.

The company's offer is divided into two solutions tailored to specific needs:

  • I - Line II, for high power systems (800 – 6300 A), handles a sandwich-type structure, which optimizes the ventilation of the system, has a wide range of applications, among the most representative: hospitals, buildings, factories, business centers and airports, among others.
  • For its part, the Canalis line for handling various powers and specialized in current levels between 20 – 800 A, concentrates its application in datacenters, exhibition centers, greenhouses or parking lots.

Why have bar ducts in your facility?

  • The bar ducts are connections previously prepared in controlled conditions, which guarantees high quality standards, on site it is a simple "plug and play".
  • For its ease of installation, which only requires having 2 or 3 people in your electrical crew.
  • Because it is a compact solution, it requires less space to optimize your electrical distributions.
  • Thanks to its modularity the cost of adding new circuits is very low.
  • They are safe and reliable systems, since they have 25 tests according to the IEC 61439-6 standard that contemplates the verification of electrical and mechanical properties.
  • Depending on the nature of the project, the type of conductor can be selected: copper or bimetallic technology.
  • They are certified under RETIE in their entirety and additionally have UBC Zone 4 certificate, seismic level equivalent to>7 on the Richter scale

In conclusion, if you are looking for an offer: safe, reliable, flexible, economical, and that does not require high maintenance, I - Line II and Canalis are what you need in your facilities.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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