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Clean air, well-being and energy saving, the keys in commercial air conditioning

Mexico. With the goal of offering technological solutions in air conditioning systems that provide both well-being for those who live, work or visit a space, and savings in energy consumption for organizations or user companies, Panasonic de México presents a series of new products for the commercial air conditioning market, which will be fundamental in its business strategy for 2018.

These are innovative 4-Way Cassette Single-Split air conditioning systems and units for ceiling installation, ECONAVI sensors to strengthen VRF systems and a robust range of remote controls compatible with BACnet, Modbus and LonWorks protocols.

Innovations that strengthen the business strategy

These new products are added to the offer that the Japanese company has been marketing in Mexico for several years and serve as an example of the possibilities for improvement and growth that Panasonic's VRF systems offer users to adjust to their needs in the management of air conditioning solutions.

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"Our medium-term goal is to increase Panasonic's share of the commercial HVAC market in Mexico by up to 15%. We have developed a five-year plan in which the availability of new technologies and products are very important for our business partners to compete and win large-scale projects in the residential, corporate, hospitality, health and government development sectors," says Roberto de la Vega, Manager of Commercial Air Conditioning at Panasonic de Mexico.

"Panasonic's commercial strategy is based on the quality and innovation of our products, the accumulated experience of the different working groups of a global company and the local presence with a sales and engineering team capable of advising business partners and users at all stages of an air conditioning project, -from the design, to the daily management of the system-, with specific objectives and strategies for energy saving and / or the well-being of people, "adds Roberto de la Vega.

The Commercial Air Conditioning group of Panasonic de México works hand in hand with a distribution channel with a nationwide presence, but it is also given the task of guiding both contractors or construction companies, as well as organizations that are end users in the attention of their air conditioning needs.

A quartet of novelties for the Mexican market:

Single Split 4-Way Cassette Systems

The promise of clean air, wellness and energy savings of Panasonic systems becomes a reality with the new interior models S-(24/34/48)PU2Q6 and the U-(24/34/48)PS2Q6 series capacitors.

As a first argument, this trio of Single Split systems integrates the innovative nanoe X technology developed by Panasonic since 2003, which purifies the air with 99% efficiency and keeps rooms clean and fresh by eliminating bacteria, viruses, mold and allergens. In addition, it neutralizes unpleasant odors produced by smoking, food, garbage or sweat. Nano-e technology is essential in gyms, nurseries, pharmacies, restaurants, hospitals, offices or residential spaces.

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These models also feature a 4-Way design that fits perfectly well to ceilings and ceilings (with an installation of up to 5 meters high thanks to its new turbine) to integrate with the decoration (thanks to the design of its super flat decorative lid of 3.3 cm), facilitate its installation and provide a uniform coverage of 360º that refreshes the room in less time with the Fast Cooling function. This is achieved by mixing the small size of its single-fan Inverter capacitors and the angle of the Blue fin aerodynamic fins with anti-corrosion coating, which generate better airflow. Other benefits of this model include:

Wireless and wall remote control option
6 daily programmable set point options for maximum energy savings.
Option to incorporate the central VRF control.
INVERTER technology, which allows an installation at 30 meters without load and 50 meters with additional refrigerant load.
Single Split Roof Systems

The offer is completed by the interior models S-(34/48)PT1Q6 and condensers series U-(34/48)PS2Q6 of air conditioning systems for mounting exposed to ceiling. These have Inverter technology, which ensures the optimal use of electrical energy by eliminating consumption peaks and maintaining a stable operation, generating significant savings in the electricity bill. It also reduces unpleasant odors caused by the heat of the air conditioner and offer automatic start, fan and equipment diagnostic functions. In addition, they are compatible with the different models of remote control of the brand.

Other benefits of this model include:

  • Wireless and wall remote control option
  • 6 daily programmable set point options for maximum energy savings
  • Option to incorporate the VRF central control
  • INVERTER technology, which allows an installation at 30 meters without load and 50 meters with additional refrigerant load.
  • Sensor ECONAVI

Panasonic's exclusive ECONAVI technology automatically detects occupancy and activity conditions in a room and adjusts the level of the air conditioner to provide the ideal performance, both for people's comfort and for optimal energy use.

Until now this technology had only been available in domestic air conditioning systems, but from this moment it is also available for any air conditioning system for commercial use thanks to the ECONAVI Sensor that Panasonic launches on the market as an accessory ready to work with all its equipment.

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The ECONAVI Sensor connects to a high-specification wired control to manage the performance of Panasonic air conditioning systems by detecting presence or movement and regulating the temperature or even the shutdown of the equipment. These devices can be integrated into both new and existing facilities to update and improve their performance and offer up to 15% savings in consumption.

Remote Control Systems

Another of Panasonic's novelties is a complete range of remote controls for wall installation, which will allow the management of the brand's air conditioning systems and other elements (lighting, security, electricity supply) in combination with the BACnet, Modbus and LonWorks protocols. The controls offer the flexibility to allow the end user (guest or inhabitant) to make certain adjustments and the central administrator to make others or set rules to ensure that the operation is maintained in the established parameters, without the need for an interface.

Panasonic also launches the first remote control as a result of its collaboration with the German company Schneider Electric. It is a wireless device that works in combination with Panasonic VRF equipment and various sensors with ZigBee communication (presence, humidity, temperature, movement, among others); can be connected to the BACNet protocol to create an efficient networked HVAC and energy use management system for hospitality and office solutions of any size.

This remote control features a simple and intuitive touchscreen interface available in twenty languages (Spanish included) and four different wallpaper options. Its design is elegant and simple lines, easy to install and integrate into any style of decoration thanks to its seven available frame colors, making it customizable for each room.

Ideal for corporate or residential building solutions, the CZ-RTC5 provides the option of individual control through a large 3.5-inch LCD screen that integrates a comfortable nine-button keyboard through which an intuitive operation of all functions is performed, including ECONAVI.

For its part, the PAW-RE2C3 control is the ideal choice for hospitality solutions thanks to its attractive design (available in white and aluminum), easy installation, cost-effectiveness (since all the wiring is centralized in a single control) and, above all, for its administrator functions. From this remote control you can control the room lighting, contact card, blinds and air conditioning. Through a motion detector and doors and windows, the control can deactivate the climate control to save energy. Independently, the maximum and minimum setpoints of the temperature can be configured so that the guest only has access to modify basic functions such as on and off or fan speed. Its design is simple and robust, ready for the continuous use that a hotel demands.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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