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Tsunashima SST, the second Sustainable and Smart City in Japan, inaugurated

International. The city will be an important nucleus of technological development in which numerous advances are put to the test to improve the daily lives of its inhabitants.

Panasonic announces that on March 26, 2018, the Tsunashima SST (Sustainable Smart Town) Sustainable City (Sustainable Smart Town) located in Yokohama, within Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, entered the operational phase. This second project becomes a reality, 4 years after the inauguration of Fujisawa, the company's first smart city.

Tsunashima, located south of Tokyo, includes among its infrastructure a smart condominium complex, a smart shopping center, the Tsunashima SST SQUARE -facilities where the city's services are operated-, the Town Energy Center (the hydrogen recharging station) and the Smart Technological Development Center, which was already in operation before the inauguration.

Under the concept of "Innovating Together towards the Future", this new Smart City will seek to generate technological advances through collective creations between industry, academia, community and local government.

- Publicidad -

Tsunashima SST seeks to be a place that contributes to the sustainable development of the community and helps achieve the sustainable development goals set by the UN, as well as the Society 5.0 "Super Smart Society" program (which seeks social evolution through education and technological applications) promoted by the Japanese government.

From April, the administration of the village's services will be carried out by a Council led by Panasonic Corporation and Nomura Real State Development Co., Ltd., and also made up of eight Japanese private companies: UNY Co., Ltd., JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation, Keio University, Sohgo Security Services Co., Ltd. (ALSOK), Sunautas Corporation, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and Obyashi Corporation.

The Smart City in detail

Tsunashima SST SQUARE, is the Service Management Center that has a primary role in the management of services and various activities in the city, as well as in the development of innovations.

Inside are the Innovation Studio, where Internet of Things (IoT) technology will be incorporated and will serve as the basis for panasonic's technology advancements and experimentation and marketing activities.

There will also be the Exchange Studio, a place to promote the community to share knowledge internationally and offer information in a fluid way to the smart city. It will have dormitories for international exchange students where they can enrich their professional training through urban activities, support for local communication and processes and research. They will be equipped with audiovisual systems, digital signage and lighting and ventilation systems to create comfortable and safe spaces.

Additionally, Panasonic and Keio University will lead the creation of Tsunashima SST Lab, a space that will seek the collective creation of innovative ideas generated among industry, academia, residents, the community and local government to create business models that can be commercialized for the economic development of the city.

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On the other hand, the City's Service Space will serve as the basis of the town's security services to guarantee its complete protection and promote the immediate response to any incident that may arise. It will be operated by ASLOK, who will also conduct field trials for the next generations to adopt AI technology.

As far as public transport is concerned, Sunautas, an automotive services company based in Yokohama, will make cars and bicycles shared, as well as vehicles for rent, available to the inhabitants. Honda Motor, meanwhile, will launch a network of car-sharing powered by hydrogen cells.

Town Energy Center

Located in the center of the city, it will be the center of Intelligent Technological Development and where low-carbon thermal energy will be provided through high-efficiency gas cogeneration systems that will use the city's clean gas as fuel. These systems will efficiently use heat for cooling, heating and hot water supply for the city. 

In addition, Tsunashima will have a hydrogen recharging station to promote the use of this technology in different applications, such as in the automotive industry or solar panels.

As for the infrastructure of the town, Obayashi Corporation, a leading developer in Japan, will use an Information Modeling for Smart Cities (SCIM) platform, which draws a three-dimensional plan with the entire city on the computer, with information collected in real time by sensors for better urban planning.

- Publicidad -

In combination with Panasonic's technologies for environmental measurement and outdoor image recognition, SCIM enables the visualization of the entire village, the flow of people, their number, gender and other characteristics. The goal is to accumulate and verify different information during the two-year trial period in which it operates to improve the quality of life of the people who gather in this village, as well as to create new services.

Smart Commercial Facility

It will be a state-of-the-art ecological shopping center that serves as a flagship model for the creation of commercial spaces in smart cities. It will be equipped with solar power generation systems and ventilation systems that run on the waste heat of the city's power center. There will be digital signage systems and multifunction monitoring cameras that serve to inform the inhabitants, in different languages, about the activities of the shops, in addition to providing data on the weather, traffic or evacuation instructions in case of an emergency.

Smart Condominum

The population will live in a series of smart condominiums that will be equipped with systems for the collection, storage and distribution of energy to be used in homes, common areas and provide support to the elevator system in case of a power outage.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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