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Autodesk Partners with the City of Paris

Latin America. Every year, more than 30 million people visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris and 7 million visitors climb the monument. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and we are excited to announce our collaboration with the City of Paris in their quest to redevelop the area around the Eiffel Tower.

At present, the layout of the site covering the Trocadero Gardens, the Champ de Mars, as well as the esplanade, does not go according to the grandeur of the Eiffel Tower and is not always the most welcoming environment for visitors.

In order to reimagine this site and create a sense of movement between the different areas, the City of Paris launched a competitive bidding process this year dubbed "the Eiffel Tower Site: Discover - Get Closer - Visit."

The competition was opened to architects and engineers from around the world, with the purpose of helping the Paris City Council promote a resilient, inclusive and environmentally conscious city, while helping to develop tourism and respond to accessibility concerns ahead of the 2024 Summer Games. The challenge designers will face will be to find a robust way to handle the multiple multifaceted demands imposed by the site and its many visitors.

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As part of the partnership, Autodesk will create a 3D digital model of the large existing Eiffel Tower site and support selected teams with the development and visualization of their designs.

The 3D model will allow the City of Paris and project management teams to design, visualize, simulate and collaborate more effectively through the competitive process. It will also allow the jury and the City of Paris to visualize, evaluate and understand the projects submitted by the candidate teams in 3D and to analyze them more easily through the entire workflow, from design to construction.

Therefore, the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) has become mandatory for teams wishing to compete.

With this visionary approach, the City of Paris is embracing advanced technology, not only to improve the redesign and construction of surrounding areas, but also to deploy technology to encourage greater public participation.

With this project, the City of Paris intends to make this public area more enjoyable and accessible to all, to offer more services for visitors and also to offer a cultural experience rediscovering the rich history and heritage of the site. This will involve improving the quality of pedestrian journeys from public transport, as well as orientation and timing information.

The visitor experience will be at the heart of the project, as well as the urban and panorama treatment, in the spirit of the Paris Pedestrian Plan and the Paris Tourism Strategy for 2022 and guided by the future Paris Air Energy Climate Plan.

"This is a new way of making the City. With these 3D technologies, we will be able to visualize the development proposals of the project management teams. BIM will improve projects thanks to a better view of their respective integrations on site. Parisians will be able to better understand and evaluate the different projects," says Jean-Louis Missika, Assistant mayor of Paris, in charge of urban planning, architecture, Greater Paris projects, economic development and attractiveness.

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"If the design of the Eiffel Tower is known throughout the world, the experience of its visitors as a whole is more complex to understand. The model created by Autodesk will allow us to take into account this essential aspect of competitive dialogue and to judge optimally the proposals of the candidate teams," says Jean-François Martins, Assistant mayor of Paris, in charge of all questions related to sports, tourism and Olympic and Paralympic Games.

"Embedding a digital 3D model and forcing the use of BIM into a competition of this level strengthens the creative process, allowing architects and engineers to quickly simulate different design hypotheses and visually verify their consistency," says Nicolas Mangon, Senior Vice President of AEC Business Strategy and Marketing at Autodesk. "BIM will also help promote dialogue between the teams, ensuring the best possible proposal that meets the ambitions of the City of Paris. The adoption of BIM is expanding in France and, for it to be used to redesign one of the world's most iconic monuments, it will demonstrate the power and benefits of this approach on a global scale."

For more information about this project, please visit 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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