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Grand Hyatt Hotel revolutionizes Colombia with its figures

Colombia. With an approximate investment of 250 million dollars between construction and furnishing, made by the Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Organization, owner of the hotel; the Grand Hyatt in Bogotá will start operations in less than two months and expect to have an occupancy of 55%.

When the housing complex opens its doors, it will begin to work with a payroll of 350 direct collaborators, mostly Colombians; and approximately 1,000 indirect jobs generated. Hires that were made after a mass interview conducted by the company in which more than 6,000 resumes were received and 900 candidates were interviewed.

The facilities, which are considered luxury because they belong to the premium line of the multinational, have an authentic style, with the guarantee of quality and sophistication that characterize the chain, said Philippe Frey, general manager of the hotel in Bogotá.

"In terms of product we have a lot of natural light and very generous spaces, but perhaps, the most important point is that of the events, which in terms of quorum is double that of the nearest competition in Bogotá. There is no hotel in the city that has a space like ours," he said.

- Publicidad -

The event area has a convention center with capacity for 1,300 people and a business center with 13 meeting rooms with capacity for 900 people. Which total 2,270 square meters.

Additionally, the Grand Hyatt allocated 3,000 square meters to build the 'Zaitania Spa', a place designed exclusively for relaxation and well-being to guests. This place is divided by 11 treatment rooms (of which 3 are doubles, 6 singles and 2 vichy showers); a water circuit, a semi-Olympic swimming pool, 24-hour gym and beauty salon.

"Our spa is sure to rank as one of the largest urban spas in Latin America," Frey said.

As for the rooms, the hotel has 372, of which 50 are suites. The standard measure is 41 m2, and that of the suites goes from 80m2, to the presidential one that has 200 m2.

All the rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows and from the majority, both on the north and south sides, you can see the eastern hills.

The beds are larger than the average in Latin America, since they are double or king type and the lingerie used to dress them is made of 300-thread cotton.

Internally, in addition to a 55" TV, each room has a loom of copper fibers, hand-woven by the Hechizoo workshop of Colombian artist Jorge Lizarazo.

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The bathrooms, on the other hand, have double sink, bathtub and separate shower with 'rain shower'. Features that, while not seem relevant at first, are unusual, Frey said.

In addition, the toiletries that will be provided to visitors, such as shampoos, creams and soaps, will be manufactured by the Colombian company Loto Azul, who are specialists in botanical cosmetic products.

The price per night in a standard room from Sunday to Thursday will cost $ 309, and from Friday to Saturday the value will be $ 149.

The Grand Hyatt in Bogotá will be the fourth hotel of this brand in the Latin American region, joining the existing portfolio in Brazil and Mexico; and the set of 54 hotels around the world, among which those in the cities of New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Istanbul and Bangkok stand out.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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