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The Eulen Group consolidates the provision of services with a social vision in Peru

Peru. The Eulen Group has consolidated its provision of services in Peru, where it arrived more than fifteen years ago and currently employs 7,000 people with a commitment to the formalization of employment with a social vision. 

The executive president of the group, María José Álvarez, stressed that her company "more than offering services", among which are cleaning, private security, maintenance, recruitment, auxiliary services, building management, environment, health and social sector and logistics is concerned "to generate opportunities" for its employees "contributing to their work and personal growth".

"In the country the level of informality of employment reaches 75%, a situation that as a company we are in the duty to change," said Álvarez before recalling that "formal employment improves the quality and condition of life of people and their families."

He emphasized, in that sense, that all its workers "have access to fundamental labor rights and social security."

- Publicidad -

As part of its activities, the Eulen Group maintained for the third year an agreement with the Center for Alternative Basic Education (CEBA) "Miguel Grau", in Lima to provide educational services to its workers, family members and community members who could not complete their primary and secondary studies, which it has expanded since last month to Arequipa.

In this regard, its general manager in Peru, Rodrigo Yépez, considered that this contribution "is very valuable" because it contributes to the eradication of illiteracy and adds to the effort of public institutions "to allow many young people or adults to develop with greater opportunities for employability."

On the other hand, the group said that the outsourcing market of services will move more than 600 million dollars during this year, which will imply 5% more compared to 2017, while the company has obtained in Peru a growth of 10% so far in 2018.

In this context, it plans to achieve double-digit growth by the end of the year compared to 2017, through the implementation of new commercial strategies for its service portfolios, which generate added value for its clients.

In terms of security, Eulen is committed to growing in the electronic field, while in logistics it will open warehouses in the southern cities of Arequipa and Tacna, in addition to working on the implementation of customized solutions, with the aim of achieving 8% of the logistics market during 2019.

The group also plans new projects for its different lines of business, since Yépez mentioned that among the services with the highest demand are the selection of personnel and administration of payroll, food, personal security and cleaning.

He reported that the mining sector allocates up to 20% of its annual budget to these services, while retail, education and mass consumption approximately 10%.

- Publicidad -

The Eulen Group has more than 56 years of experience in the market and has more than 7,000 customers in 14 countries and 90,000 employees on the payroll.

In Lima it has a warehouse at kilometer 29 of the Pan-American Highway South, in the district of Lurín and, as part of the development of its activities, it acquired a warehouse management system designed exclusively for logistics operations that require "innovation, technology and the continuous improvement of its processes".

In 2017 he focused on increasing his participation in the "Facility Management" sector, for which he appointed José Enrique Larriviere as the new manager of that area, who joined the incorporation, in 2017, of Javier Ramos Delgado as logistics manager.

In 2002 it began its activities in Peru, where it operates with more than 300 customers and 7,500 employees and has a central office in Lima and delegations in the southern city of Arequipa and in the northern city of Trujillo, as well as administrative offices in all regions.

It offers cleaning services, physical security, electronic security, maintenance, auxiliary services, environment, logistics, Facility Management, Facility Services and temporary work.

With information from EFE. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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