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LEED Certified Building for Operation and Maintenance

United States. The US Steel Tower, the 64-story skyscraper in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, earned LEED Certification for Building Operation and Maintenance (O+M). Certification requires verified performance data that meets objectives in the areas of Location and Transportation, Site Management, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality to be certified.

"This is a tremendous honor and a true collaborative effort with our partners, tenants and building owners," said Thomas J. Harrington, General Manager of US Steel Tower. "To get this designation for a building designed when energy was not expensive and energy efficiency is not a priority, it is a remarkable achievement. We salute all of our tenants who have supported our efforts, especially UPMC, whose commitment to sustainability in multi-story renovations has earned several LEED Silver and Gold certifications."

Even after 50 years, the Tower is the seventh largest high-rise office building in the country and was designed when resource efficiency was not an expectation. Winthrop Management is continuously improving the building's operations, and this achievement was preceded by a BOMA 360 certification and three consecutive years of Energy Star certification (2016-2018). UPMC's LEED Silver and Gold certifications of nearly half of the square footage that can be rented, more than one million square feet, have also been instrumental in setting the tone for updating building standards and leveraging construction improvements.

Winthrop Management's LEED Silver O+M certification included:

  • Location and Transportation: Support for alternative means of transportation, including secure bicycle parking, electric vehicle charging stations, and shared games. Approximately 60% of the employees working at the USS Tower travel using alternative means of transportation.
  • Sustainable Sites: Site management practices that reduce the use of harmful chemicals, energy waste, water waste, air pollution, solid waste, and chemical runoff.
  • Water efficiency: upgrades of fixtures and fixtures, water submetering, increased cooling tower water cycles, and drip irrigation for the landscape. The USS Tower reduced water consumption in buildings by 27% from 2016 to 2018.
  • Energy and atmosphere: installation of high-efficiency LEDs in the lobby and garage, installation of variable frequency drives (VFDs), HVAC upgrades and a new energy-efficient elevator system, and commissioning of existing buildings, resulting in Energy Star certification from 2016 to the present.
  • Materials and resources: The building purchased sustainable products and increased the building's recycling rate. In addition, the sustainable purchasing and recycling practices associated with UPMC's four floors currently pursued by LEED for Commercial Interiors contributed significantly in this category.
  • Indoor Environmental Quality: Green cleaning practices, products and equipment that improve human health, reduce the impact on the environment, and provide a clean workspace for all tenants. Winthrop also conducted an assessment of custody effectiveness, implements improved indoor air quality strategies, and practices integrated pest management in an eco-friendly manner.
- Publicidad -


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

2 thoughts on “LEED Certified Building for Operation and Maintenance”

• If you're already registered, please log in first. Your email will not be published.
    Wednesday, 15 December 2021 11:47
    Buenos días:
    Me pueden indicar que ingredientes activos están autorizados para el manejo integrado de plagas en edificios LEED, si son tan amables.
    Wednesday, 15 December 2021 11:43
    Buenos días:
    Me pueden indicar que ingredientes activos están autorizados para el control de plagas, si son tan amables.

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