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Grupo Éxito and Viva partner for the creation of the first Shopping Resort

Latin America. Grupo Éxito, one of the leading companies in the retail sector in Latin America, has announced a strategic alliance with Viva, the iconic brand in the world of shopping centers, to develop the first Shopping Resort in the region. This project will mark a milestone in the industry and transform the entertainment, shopping and tourism landscape in Latin America.

Located in Azul de Arenas, a place on the outskirts of Cartagena, the Shopping Resort will be an exclusive destination that will merge the sophistication of commerce with the cultural and natural essence of Colombia. This oasis of shopping and recreation will offer a unique experience for residents and visitors, combining the best of the commercial world with attractive accommodation, dining and entertainment options.

The project, conceived with an avant-garde vision that is committed to sustainability and innovation in its design and operation. With a wide variety of shops, local boutiques and top-notch entertainment options, Grupo Éxito y Viva's Shopping Resort will become a landmark in the region.

Within the commercial component, the presence of the first Éxito Wow hypermarket in Cartagena is confirmed, accompanied by more than 200 national and international stores and restaurants that will join in the execution of all stages of the project. It will be developed by expert firms with extensive experience in the development of commercial projects that contribute their knowledge and experience. Grupo Éxito, Arquitectura & Concreto, AED, Renta Urbana and Urbanum, as partners and managers of this, will be responsible for supporting the management of the project and making it a benchmark for the region and the country.

- Publicidad -

It is worth noting that it will have an investment close to $500 billion pesos; It will generate more than 600 jobs during its construction and about 1,000 once it enters into operation.

Regarding the announcement, Juan Lucas Vega, Real Estate Vice President of Grupo Éxito, said: "We are very pleased to announce the arrival of the first Shopping Resort in Latin America, which will be part of the Azul de Arenas citadel in the most developed area of Cartagena, and one of the most important in the country. Likewise, the announcement of the participation of Éxito wow as the main anchor, is a validation of the importance and commercial potential of the project, located in the middle of the Azul de Arenas urban development. We will put into this project all the experience that over more than 16 years we have acquired in the development and operation of our 17 shopping centers and shopping arcades in the country. The brand of shopping centers Viva knows that more than shopping centers it builds emotions and generates opportunities for development and growth for the communities it reaches and without a doubt Viva Cartagena will take the experience of shopping centers to a level that we do not know in the country, thanks to the innovation that the concept of Shopping Resorts in the world supposes. "

Andrés Arango, manager and founder of Urbanum, a firm that is part of the developers of the project, celebrated the news indicating that: "it is confirmed that this will be the most relevant commercial and mixed-use development in the region. Just weeks after announcing the development of the project, we are communicating the arrival of the Viva brand as promoter and operator of the shopping complex and Éxito Wow as the main anchor".

For its part, Viva will contribute its experience in the creation and operation of emblematic commercial spaces that integrate harmoniously with their surroundings, ensuring that this project becomes a new icon of the industry and an unmissable destination for lovers of shopping and culture.

Similarly, Francisco Martínez, General Manager of Architecture & Concrete, pointed out that: "the announcement of the participation of the Viva brand in the Shopping Resort, in addition to demonstrating the potential it will have, consolidates the group of experts behind this project that will have a strategic location, sustainable design and urbanism and allied experts that become a guarantee of a commercial and entertainment complex of international stature".

Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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