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Green and minimalist, the new spa scene

Spa designers and operators no longer have excuses. If previously green design was a problem of lack of supplies, now suppliers of appliances, equipment and furniture are giving a clear message to the industry: we care about the environment.

by Redacción Gerencia de Hoteles y Restaurantes


Spa designers and operators no longer have excuses. If previously green design was a problem of lack of supplies, now suppliers of appliances, equipment and furniture are giving a clear message to the industry: we care about the environment.

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But beyond stealing the attention of suppliers, new solutions and products for the spa are allowing to have more welcoming, modern and relaxing spaces, but above all, sustainable.

The challenge could not be greater in another space of the hotel other than the spa. There, where the slogan "health through water" functions as the cornerstone of the business, it also leads to a greater expenditure of the precious liquid becoming an important item of the daily operation of the hotel. Additionally, the need to provide true comfort to the user in a clean environment makes constant renewal mandatory.

Therefore, the solutions have not been long in coming and the suppliers are responding to the challenge. "A spa is a place that should be healing not only for the guest but for Mother Earth," says Sharon Sedgwick, director of operations and consulting at SpaPro, a company specializing in the design and provision of sustainable spas.

From head to toe

Design follows functionality, which is why spa equipment manufacturers are finding cutting-edge solutions that meet the needs in therapies and treatments but also make an important contribution to reducing the impact on the environment. And a critical aspect is water saving. Therefore, some of the newest products for spas have as their main flag the saving of water. An example of this is the water-saving showers of JACLO, the manufacturer of decorative plumbing equipment, who has created the low-flow head and hand showers, bringing together conservation and comfort.

"Best of all, we have advanced technology that incorporates flow regulators and keeps the pressure and flow of water strong. These showers distribute 1.75 gallons per minute, an impressive savings rate when compared to the standard of 2.5 gallons per minute," according to company information. This is a very positive impact on the amount of water used daily in spa bathtubs. The experience in front of nature extends to all possible additions, such as the floor for the shower, where the feeling of nature can also be part of the green design of the spa.

MTI Whirpools has designed the teak wood trays for the showers, "which are a great addition to the shower floors because they create a spa feel and minimize the risk of bacteria and fungi growing on the shower floor," explains Dori Adams, national account manager of MTI Whirpools, the renowned bathtub manufacturer. In this way MTI Whirpools points to the current trend of adding wooden accents to the bathroom. It is the perfect touch for a decoration inspired by the Asian style or simply create a Zen style bathroom setting.
Natural comfort

Organic materials are enabling suppliers to create products and solutions in line with the green trend. Benefits such as sun resistance, beauty and durability are some of the characteristics of organic materials such as Viro fiber. A superior quality fiber widely used in markets such as Europe and the United States and that the manufacturer of outdoor furniture Neoteric Home is taking advantage of for the benefit of the spa and the environment.

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"The Viro fiber we use is very natural in appearance and is the way we choose to help the relaxation experience," explains Martina Reissman of Neoteric Home. "And most importantly, because our furniture is environmentally friendly, users can enjoy a toxic-free experience," adds Ms. Reissman. The durability characteristics of this fiber have earned it the approval of the International Maritime Organization for resisting direct contact with salt, chlorine and moisture.

The designs offered by Neoteric Home offer an outdoor collection that is friendly to the environment and with an unparalleled natural feel. They are recyclable furniture, non-toxic, PVC-free and completely made of polyethylene. In addition, its antimicrobial  quality prevents the growth of fungi and mold.

From the bathtub to the furniture

The conviction about the impact that making recyclable furniture can create on the environment also led companies like La-Fête to create their outdoor collection. With the experience of the company Softub collected in 20 years in the manufacture of outdoor bathtubs with energy saving, the designer Angie Thornbury has created a beautiful and lasting proposal. It is an impressive line of modern outdoor furniture with a lightweight, waterproof material and recyclable materials. "La-fête furniture is made with proven and patented technology that is technologically ideal for the spa industry," explains Angie Thurnbury, designer at La-Fête. "Outdoor lounge chairs are made with waterproof, durable and comfortable materials," adds Angie.

With its collection La Escena Exterior, La-Fête has created furniture with long duration and in the process created a great idea: while the furniture is getting older, instead of coming out of it, the cover can be replaced to extend its life. "We found a way to extend the life of the furniture for many, many years, if the furniture is damaged or simply the owner is already bored with the color, instead of throwing it away, you just need to remove the old cover and put the new one," explains Tom Thorbury, president of Softub.

La-Fête is a company specialized in white furniture and therefore, its proposal fits perfectly with the minimalist trend in the decoration of spas. In addition, lately, 95% of the materials used in furniture are recyclable. Additionally this type of furniture offers the benefit of its easy and low maintenance which makes it ideal for heavy uses in the hospitality sector.

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The intimate also counts

And if it comes to minimalism, no area of the hotel is forgotten. Bathrooms must also meet the requirements of beauty and sustantability, in addition to functionality. For this reason, Neometro,  manufacturer of luxury plumbing products, has among its most recent launches the new miniLoo toilet. Small, clean and green this new product is a great solution for small spaces. The miniLoo is made of stainless steel, recyclable and environmentally friendly, which can help minimize the accumulation of bacteria in the bathroom. One of the main features of this toilet is that it has the European tank mechanism in the double emptying wall, which minimizes water consumption allowing the user to choose between a 1-gallon emptying for liquids and a 1.6-gallon emptying for solids.

It seems that with the minimalist and green trend, in many cases less is more for the operation of the hotel and the suppliers are demonstrating it. Recyclable materials, water-saving solutions and clean decoration are providing a great opportunity for spas to be not only beautiful but also environmentally friendly by positively impacting the hotel's savings programs, but above all, saving on resources for nature.

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