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Wood: natural, decorative and environmental

The design of wooden furniture is constantly evolving, and it is also a segment that also began to contribute in favor of the environment.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

The wooden furniture does not cease to surprise with its continuous innovations, even more so if it is taken into account that this is a segment that needs to be quite striking within the hotel world, because in most cases this type of products are essential to form a harmonious set with the interiors of the hotel, either in the facilities such as the lobby, the restaurant, the waiting rooms or in the most important part: the rooms, where most of the products have innovative designs made of wood.

Hoteliers always want to make a difference with their designs. In furniture for wood they seek to be unique and very original, because they know that the guest in addition to comfort is very observant and does not skimp on details when selecting the best option for your rest.

That is why for this section of Art and Function of its MAGAZINE MANAGEMENT OF HOTELS & RESTAURANTS we invite two experts in furniture for wood located in Mexico: Darrel Walker, representative of Epoka Muebles, and Eduardo Martínez, general director of Marbol, who will tell us about the main novelties of the sector and will also offer some recommendations for hoteliers who wish to acquire or renovate their furniture in wood.

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To begin with, it is worth highlighting the trends that are currently available for hotels. Apparently the designs and textures inspired by nature are attracting attention.

"In current trends exotic woods are used in a natural way, furniture with straight lines accompanied in many cases by fabrics in natural fibers. A very pleasant style, since it allows us to appreciate and enjoy nature through the furniture without undergoing major modifications, "said Martínez.

Walker's concept resembles the previous one, especially in the sense of inspiration in the natural: "The trend now is to use dark woods, implementing texture techniques for wood and making combinations of natural stone. Recently we are releasing onyx designs, marbles and resins, because its maintenance is simpler, it has excellent durability and its price is very accessible. Some designs incorporate illuminated panels on decks or headboards, to give something of interest in the bedroom (something different and interesting on the part of the designer)."

According to our guests, there is a certain diversity regarding the materials that are being used most to design this type of products. "Woods and laminates are being implemented in exotic species such as tzalam, tornillo, huanacastle and other northern species such as oak, oak, walnut and maple," said the Representative of Epoka, while the representative of Marbol added that some hotels are looking for options with synthetic materials in order to reduce their expenses: "Classic materials to manufacture wooden furniture include natural ones such as rattan and bamboo, natural stone inserts and decorative accents in metal. Wood is a natural element that is still in force, although many hotels replace it with synthetic materials due to its high cost and difficult maintenance."

The durability and strength of the furniture are a fundamental issue for all hoteliers to keep in mind, it is also important to take into account the concept of the hotel before designing the product.

"In all furniture you have to take into account the resistance and the good finish, without departing from the style of what the designer specifies. If we talk about chairs, armchairs, elements to sit and rest, these must have good ergonomics, comfort and great resistance, "said Eduardo Martínez.

"They must have a proper functioning for the hotel. It is key to review the quality of the materials to give durability and the quality of the finishes to maintain the hotel. Depending on the customers, it is very important that the furniture coordinates with the concept of the hotel. The purpose of everything is to make the guest feel in a relaxed, comfortable and harmonious space and I consider that the furniture plays a unique role to achieve this, "said the representative of Epoka Muebles.

Environmental balance
This is a segment that is inevitably forced to work for the protection of the environment, because wood is its most important raw material and this fact implies that the commitment to the conservation of the planet is more serious.

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Therefore, companies that work with wooden furniture are doing their best to contribute their grain of sand to the cause, they also take into account that the products that are used to reach the final result must also be committed to the environment.

For example, the optimization of resources that Marbol executes is the key, according to them, to conserve the environment: "Producers have to be aware that our main raw material: trees, are the basis and balance of our environment, therefore, we must consider buying from certified suppliers that ensure ecological techniques such as reforestation. In the plant we optimize to the maximum to generate the minimum of waste, in addition to having an adequate system of collection of powders for the care and health of our workers".

For his part, Darrel Walker, explained that there are alternatives with which they can help in a good way to the protection of the planet: "Ecological wood is a great alternative to offer our support, we can do it by incorporating objects and furniture made with this type of wood into our environments, the one whose extraction does not harm the environment. The primary objective is to promote economically viable, socially beneficial and environmentally responsible forest management."

Walker also said that controls are now stricter, which means that many companies have had to change their manufacturing methods of their products: "Now there is much more control in the use of woods that are under sustainable programs in concentration of the Government and international organizations, there is a lot of interest in textiles that use fibers such as bamboo, that are not chemical, factories are also changing their finishing systems to use solvents that do not harm the ecological system, such as water-based inks and lacquers."

Environmental technology
The technology has been evolving, the properties of its products have improved and new derivatives of wood have emerged, which expanded their field of application and were complemented with other raw materials to improve their technology.

Next, our guests introduce us to the techniques they use to avoid the deterioration of the environment during the manufacture of wooden furniture.
"The knowledge of wood and the development of its technology in drying, treatment and transformation techniques allow to guarantee the success in its use. Wood treatment techniques and protective products now make it possible to avoid the risks of attack in compromised situations. It is important to know that the technology of wood processing, in continuous evolution in recent decades, has allowed a greater optimization of its characteristics and properties, the technology of laminated wood, micro laminated wood and prefabricated products of mixed composition, are oriented towards an increasing specialization and optimization", said Walker, of Epoka.

In the case of Marbol, the key is to take advantage of the waste that results from wood: "When very varied products are manufactured, there is usually a lot of waste, which can be taken advantage of by applying recycling techniques such as the Finger Jointer and other machines that through computer programs optimize the wood and accelerate the selection process. In the plant we develop designs to make the most of what is left over in small and decorative items. In this way the use is greater".

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To keep in mind
According to our sources, the requests of hoteliers when acquiring furniture for their sites is very varied. In Epoka, for example, requests range from reupholstering, chairs and armchairs, changes of furniture in the rooms such as bureaus, headboard, desks and new designs for television.

While the general director of Marbol said that he is struck by the way the hotelier always seeks to innovate and advise himself in a good way: "Currently they request very basic furniture in their design, with woods, natural fibers and slightly rustic finishes. The wonder of the hotel industry is that it is always in constant search of its spaces being unique, usually they hire the best decorators in the world who with all the styles and designs and great taste create unparalleled spaces".

Finally, we consider it important that our readers take into account some key points when renovating or acquiring wooden furniture equipment for their hotels. The recommendations given by those who day by day are immersed in this industry coincide in a good choice of materials and in the reliability that the company could give.

"That you buy products of proven quality, that you ensure your investment by choosing good furniture producers whom you can visit to get to know the factory and its production process. Follow the rule that indicates that 'not always the cheapest is the best option', since many of us have witnessed regrettable investments in furniture that in addition to having very little durability do not make any contribution as decorative elements. Today, the biggest trend is not so much luxury, but good taste, the richness of good form, color and taste. In Latin America there are producers who can give the quality that customers demand," said Eduardo Martínez.

While Darrel Walker commented on the matter that "it is important to preserve the quality of the materials that your manufacturer is going to use, so that they are suitable according to the needs of your hotel. It is also important that the materials work for the needs of your guests, so it is key to select the style, to give a plus to your rooms. With the experience that has been had with other guests, since this one is always expressed, we can realize if he commented something pleasant or negative, if he needed something in the room, if the place is beautiful, dirty, etc., and try to solve all those details that can not be missing. "

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