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The higher the content, the greater the fidelity

There are very few spaces within the hotel that are not being taken into account by the new entertainment needs. Restaurants, bars, lobbies, rooms and even bathrooms are currently decorated with screens and audio solutions for guests.

by Lyda Durango

But on par with screens and audio players, hotels are concerned about increasing the content available to their customers. In this way, the guest chooses between his content or that of the hotel.

For hotels, this means greater possibilities to disseminate hotel information, greater extension of the visit to public areas, greater consumption of food and beverage products, greater opportunity for external advertisers and greater customer loyalty. And for entertainment solution providers, it's a challenge they're responding to with products and services tailored to the hotel.

One screen for everything

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Taking the high-definition image as a starting point, hoteliers have a wide range of electronic devices to entertain their clientele. The list ranges from flat screens to DVD players to digital music players, which can be used in public spaces and rooms. And although until recently they were invited in stone, televisions are entering a new era where the digitization of content and high definition are determining their evolution.

"TVs have been in hotel rooms for decades, but it's not until recently that the technology has become extremely sophisticated," explains Walter Schoenlber, product marketing specialist in Sony Electronics' business solutions and professional display department. This sophistication of the product brings with it a risk, because while the hotel offers more content in the room, it is increasingly easy for a guest to copy a film that is being broadcast in the room, which conflicts with copyright. With this in mind, entertainment solution providers are creating products specially designed for the hospitality sector.

Sony's latest response to this new challenge is the KLH TV Series. The new models feature industry-specific features such as a card point for the new ICS-SP30 HDTV  internal tuner, which is compatible with many PAY-per-view (PPV) content providers using Pro:Idiom encryption technology, the industry standard for digital content security.

One such provider is LodgeNet. It offers FTG (free-to-guest) and VOD (video on demand) services, which means that Sony TVs support all the functionalities of this system offering an easy-to-use entertainment experience for guests. This level of compatibility also means that Sony's high-definition TVs can offer the full range of entertainment including premium high-definition satellite programming and video-on-demand film programming. "Offering the widest variety of high-definition content maximizes hoteliers' investment in high-definition capable displays," said John Kaloukian, head of Sony's professional TV group.
Television or reality

The new line of Sony TVs for the hospitality sector are accompanied by better news: BRAVIA technology. These are professional type high definition monitors that have the technology of the signal processor engine of the famous BRAVIA. The unparalleled image quality offered by this technology has Sony topping the flat panel market share lists. "Because they provide a very outstanding level of image quality and impeccable brightness and color that people really value," explains Walter Schoenleber. "Sony brought its image quality technology to the hospitality industry to enhance the entertainment value for hotels that are looking to give their guests the best video quality and services," explains Walter.

But TVs are just the beginning. Sony is complementing the power of its TVs with digital playback equipment. "While the hospitality industry continues to transition from flat panels to high-definition technologies, operators are looking for the highest level of flexibility and support," said John Kaloukian, marketing director for Sony Electronics' professional TV group.

"Our BRAVIA line elevates our commitment to HD1080p TV screens, while offering many more HD options with our home theaters including our high-definition Blu-ray players," adds Mr. Schoenleber. "With an attractive and slim design that is very attractive to the home consumer and for business professionals." Sony's Blu-ray is a next-generation DVD format that is enjoying wide acceptance within the U.S. market and promises to replace traditional DVD.

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Your content or mine

But as more and more guests bring their own content on the go, Sony has found a perfect ally to ensure that image, sound and games are part of any traveler's luggage, no matter where they go. This is Teleadapt's MediaHub, a connectivity dashboard designed specifically for today's hotels in their effort to meet the entertainment demands of modern travelers.

In this way, the MediaHub makes it possible for the guest to connect their laptop, MP3 player, digital camera, video recorder, PDA, DVD player and game console on their TV in the same terminal. "Sony's high-definition displays and the modern design of the MediaHub are an excellent complement to the interior decoration of any hotel room," adds Mr. Schoenleber. "Our vendor relationship with TeleAdapt will facilitate a high-tech in-room entertainment experience for hotel guests," says Walter.
A solution that both guests and hotels will appreciate and that is just a precedent for what is to come: a customer eager to watch the broadcast of their favorite football team, wherever they are, or to extend the home theater experience to their hotel room. If until recently hotels came to question the usefulness of the TV inside the room, modern times indicate that it is now the new protagonist of entertainment and the starting point to offer video, audio, games, information and hotel services in one place.

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