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× sleeps with Madonna

06/25/09 Acrobat (pdf, 61 KB)

The Queen of Pop arrives this summer in Spain with three unforgettable concerts in Barcelona, Madrid and Zaragoza as part of her world tour "Sticky & Sour"

Once again is introduced into the corners where the celebrities on duty rest and this time we have discovered the favorite hotels of the Pop Diva, chosen to rest during her world tours. Will you be staying at them this summer during your European tour?

Alfonso XIII, Seville, Spain (*****) From 261 euros / night*

Only a year ago the Queen of Pop performed for the last time in Spanish territory, occasion in which the singer spared no expense in terms of the accommodation of her team. On this occasion he reserved the entire first floor of this luxurious five-star hotel, built in 1928 and whose inauguration was attended by King Alfonso XIII. Known for their famous guests including Charles and Diana, Rainier and Grace of Monaco, as well as other royal members of the Nordic crowns.

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Hotel De Crillon, Paris, France (*****) From 456 euros / night*

As a good diva, Madonna did not hesitate for a second to celebrate her 50th birthday on August 16, 2008, at the wonderful Hotel De Crillon located in the Plaza de la Concordia. This old palace was founded in 1908 and has two Michelin stars and spectacular ballrooms dating from the eighteenth century, the party was in style and lasted until the wee hours of the morning, we must not forget that the Diva is a Party Girl.

Pestana Palace, Lisbon, Portugal (*****) From 193 euros / night*

There are already two occasions in which the singer chooses the Pestana Palace as her residence in the Portuguese capital. This ancient palace offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of the capital offering spectacular tropical gardens where the visitor can relax by the spectacular pool.

Avalon Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden (*****) From 124 euros / night*

The last time Madonna sang in Sweden was during her "Blond Ambition" world tour in 1990, at the Eriksberg Stadium in Gothenburg. This time the Queen has sold all the tickets in less than an hour and will debut at the Ullevi Arena in Gothenburg on August 8 and 9. On this occasion the chosen hotel is a five-star hotel known for its modern design, where you will surely enjoy one of its famous wine tastings in its Wine-Tasting Room, since the artist is a great wine lover and shares with her brother a vineyard in California.

Hotel Kämp, Helsinki, Finland (*****) From 171 euros / night*

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August 6, 2009 will mark a milestone in the musical history of Finland being the largest concert in the history of the country with more than 80,000 attendees, who will gather to hear the singer who will perform for the first time in the Scandinavian country. The chosen one has been the favorite of all the stars that visit the country, the Hotel Kämp, which reopened its doors in 1999, but whose history dates back to 1887.

Grand Hotel, Oslo, Norway (*****) From 169 euros / night*

Like the Finns, Norwegians will enjoy the "Blonde Ambition" for the first time. Tickets sold out in 34 minutes and he will perform at the Hovin Valley Stadium in Oslo. The singer known in the nineties as the Material Girl, has chosen the hotel of the Nobel laureates, the Jupiter suite of the Grand Hotel, famous for being the meeting point of the winners and from where they greet the people from the balcony of the room, this time hundreds of fans will wait under it to receive a brief greeting from the singer.

*All prices valid from June 17, 2009. Prices are subject to change.



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