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To inspect buildings over ten years old

A inspección edificios de más de diez añosIn the city of Buenos Aires, those buildings that have more than ten years of construction must submit a report signed by an expert, as required by a law passed in the Argentine capital.

The law has existed since 1999 and holds consortia responsible for the condition of the facades and requires them to carry out periodic inspections. However, in figures presented at the end of 2012, 20.2% of the establishments that have this condition did not comply with the order, some argue that it is due to ignorance of the rule, others because of their inability to face the expense that this inspection represents, for its part, the Ombudsman's Office considers that it is a culture of non-payment.

In total there are about 240,000 properties affected by this measure, Law 257, to comply with it the owner must deliver a technical report from an engineer, architect or master builder who signs a certificate of conservation or a request for works to repair what was found.

This revision covers everything external, from terraces to balconies and ornaments and, for buildings of free perimeter or between party walls, lateral and counterfront. Those aged 10 to 21 must do so every 10 years; from more than 21 to 34, every 8; more than 34 to 50, every 6; more than 50 to 71, every 4; from the age of 72, every 2 years. Those of a plant are left out, except with protrusions.

- Publicidad -

According to data from the Government Control Agency (AGC), the previous year (2012) the City fined 7,328 properties and attracted the attention of 41,127 more for not submitting the report.

As explained by Samuel Knopoff, president of the Federation of Consortium Associations, it is an impossible expense to face, except for buildings with high purchasing power. 70% of the expenses go to the payment of salaries and social charges of the manager and at most 10% of the budget is left to devote to maintenance.

For his part, Adrián Hilarza, of the Civil Association of Administrators of Horizontal Property Consortiums, said that the inspection represents an extra representative fee in the cost of building administration and the costs are variable.

The study is subject to the fees charged by professionals, so the values can skyrocket. It is possible that the eye inspection is not enough and specific studies are required, which can increase the figure, on the other hand it is necessary to count on the fact that repairs may be needed and, in turn, a new verification of the repairs to extend the certificate.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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