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Control procedures

Procedimientos de controlImplementing correct and timely control methods not only contributes to improving the image of the company but also to not losing potential customers.

by Valterina Gherardi Torres*

Due to the great competitiveness and growth in the hotel and restaurant industry, companies are obliged to make sales without wasting time; however, this does not happen and is simply due to the lack of control procedures. On this occasion I will narrate some practical cases.

Case 1
Request for a quote for breakfast videoconference

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I called three hotels on a Friday, at approximately 11.00 in the morning, let's call them A, B and C, all of five-star category, requesting a budget of equal condition.

Hotel A sent the event information the same day I requested the quote.

The following Monday I called hotels B and C asking for the budget. The sales executive at Hotel B told me that because of the workload before the weekend it was impossible for them to send it on the same Friday so they would send it on Monday.

The sales executive at Hotel C told me that my data had been referred to someone else and that she was going to find out about it.

Tuesday arrived and the budgets of the B and C hotels had not yet arrived. Once again I called them, Hotel B indicated that at that time they would send the quote and so it was. When I called Hotel C, the sales executive insisted that my data was in someone else's hands and that they would send the proposal that afternoon and the proposal never came. On Wednesday I received the quote from Hotel C.

Obviously hotels B and C lost the event.

Suggested solution case 1: formats should be developed where the sales executive indicates all the data of the call, either by information or event request, to then make the due follow-up of the potential client and evaluate the productivity of the staff.

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Case 2
Telephone Booking Evaluation

In a telephone service evaluation I requested information about a hotel's facilities and decided to make a reservation. The reservations staff took my details, only name and phone, and gave me the banking information to be able to guarantee the reservation.

I approached the bank, made the respective deposit and called to confirm my reservation communicating that I had already made the deposit as indicated. The hotel representative informed me that there was no reservation with my name for the date indicated or for any other date. He finally requested my data again and entered it into the system.

Suggested solution case 2: a format must be developed, either manual or virtual, in which reservations are registered, and then enter them into the system along with the data of the people who request information to be able to enter them into the system, follow them up, offer them future promotions and events, and, in addition, keep the productivity statistics of the staff.

Case 3
Occupied rooms appear as vacancies

When evaluating the housekeeping department and reviewing vacant rooms at random, I identified a room that had been occupied and had not been registered in the hotel system, and in the manual report of the housekeeper it appeared as a vacant room, ready to sell. Inquiring with the cleaning and security staff it was concluded that the receptionist sold rooms without registering them harming the hotel.

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Suggested solution case 3: cleaning formats should be developed for the use of the housekeeper and waiters, whose information will be cross-referenced with the registration cards at reception; In addition, the information can be crossed with the entry records prepared by the security personnel and, if possible and there is doubt, all this information can also be corroborated with the videos of the security cameras.

We must be sure that the staff in our establishment provides excellent service, is productive and aware that sales are necessary to remain in the market; for all the above, it is necessary to establish control procedures.

The steps that must be followed to establish control procedures are:

  • Evaluate all processes in each area and determine critical control points.
  • Develop the necessary formats to write down all the information related to the event, the guest or the diner.
  • Set the control procedure step by step.
  • Train staff and explain the importance of carrying out this control procedure.

Establishing control procedures takes time, dedication and experience; however, they are necessary and important to achieve service excellence, increase staff productivity and generate higher revenue at the hotel or restaurant.

*Hotel Solutions Manager MVH SAC. [email protected].

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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