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Regulations and manuals

Reglamentos y manualesAlthough it takes good time and effort to design, implement, publish, communicate and verify that a company's regulations and manuals are complied with, in the short term the results are obvious.

by Valterina Gherardi Torres*

The purpose of every company in the hotel and restaurant industry is to achieve excellence in service and this is achieved by standardizing functions, processes, procedures, formats and developing regulations and manuals, which must be followed to the letter.

All this in order to work according to optimal relations and labor laws, safety policies, health and quality standards.

- Publicidad -

Many companies work blindly, without guides, regulations or manuals, each employee performs their functions according to their own criteria and all this results in disorder, affecting the service, annoying and uncomfortable guests and diners.

This chaos can be appreciated, for example, when you visit a restaurant for the first time and everything is good, however when you visit it for the second time and the order is not taken correctly, the dishes arrive at the table after a long time, the waiter is not aware of the diners; this means that they do not have established standards, guidelines that employees must follow in order to always provide a quality service.

Some of the documents that should be considered as guides to perform quality work are the internal work regulations, the internal regulations on safety and health at work, the manual of organization and functions and the manual of processes and procedures.

Below you can read a brief description of each of these regulations and manuals:

The internal rules of work

It establishes the rules that the employee and the company must follow in order to achieve a good working environment.

The internal working regulations must include the general provisions of the company such as the conditions of recruitment, working hours and schedules, attendance control, non-attendance conditions, in addition to the provisions on breaks, holidays and remuneration.

- Publicidad -

The internal working regulations should also include the duties and rights of the employee and the contracting company. It must also indicate the types of respective sanctions for breach of established duties.

This document will indicate the rules on personal appearance, grooming, uniform and cleaning of lockers or lockers assigned to employees.

The internal rules of safety and health

It provides the staff, suppliers and visitors of the different hotel and restaurant establishments, the necessary elements to avoid accidents and helps to establish the mechanisms to provide more security to workers, guests or diners during their stay.

This regulation must detail the company's health and safety policy, and must include the internal organizational structure of  the health and safety committee.

The internal health and safety regulations must specify the list of reports and documentation that must be designed and executed in the different situations that arise.

- Publicidad -

Here safety standards must be included in the different areas of the establishment, in the handling of machinery, as well as standards of cleaning and registration of critical control points. It will also indicate the personal protective equipment that should be used when performing the different procedures.

It will also include the respective indications for prevention and response in cases of emergency such as fires, earthquakes, medical emergencies, among others. This document will also specify the appropriate safety signs with their respective definitions, the elements that make up the emergency kit and the list of emergency telephone numbers.

The manual of organization and functions

Its purpose is to describe the organizational structure established by the company and the tasks that each of the positions described must fulfill in a rational and efficient way.

The organization and functions manual will show the general organization chart and the respective one for each area.

Likewise, it will include the definition of each job, the division to which it belongs, the immediate superior boss, work shift, the description of their respective functions.

The manual of processes and procedures

It details step by step how to develop the tasks established in the manual of functions, which must be strictly complied with.

The manual regulates the main administrative, operational, commercial, financial, accounting, technological, control and audit processes and procedures carried out by hotel or restaurant staff.

The manual describes the procedures of daily activities in a logical and sequential way, establishes parameters, protocols, guidelines and standards to achieve high quality in the service.

The management of the establishment must ensure that the established procedures are complied with, developing policies and mechanisms for identification, measurement, control and information according to the needs of the establishment to improve administration, operability and customer service.

All of the above, together with an adequate implementation, training and distribution of material, helps to ensure that there is complete harmony between the employee, the company, labor laws, safety regulations and excellence in the service provided to the guest or diner.

*Hotel Solutions Manager MVH SAC.
[email protected]

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