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New Honeywell Integrated Public Address and Audio Evacuation System

Mexico. Honeywell announced the launch of the new X-618, an integrated public address and audio evacuation (PA/VA) system with high acoustic quality and the ability to independently play audio in multiple areas for medium and large spaces, such as shopping centers, hotels or schools.

Honeywell's X-618 system features multi-channel digital amplifiers that allow users to monitor lines as well as adjust volume automatically based on ambient noise level for optimal sound reproduction in any circumstance to ensure it's always heard clearly. The audio evacuation system allows effective and rapid communication in cases where human lives are at risk.

"The X-618 is the best commercial audio management solution for developers who are interested in acoustic excellence and decreased maintenance and installation costs," said Jorge Osuna, General Manager of Honeywell ACS's Security & Fire unit. "This equipment is part of Honeywell's comprehensive security solutions that include fire detection systems, alarms, video systems and control panels that aid rapid evacuation in dangerous situations."

The X-618 is an ideal audio solution for shopping malls, hotels, conference and exhibition rooms, restaurants and office buildings that require both ambient music and individual audio control per room. One of the applications of this solution is the ability to be connected to the fire control panel to carry out immediate communication and transmit evacuation warnings in case of an emergency situation.

The X-618 complies with the EN54-16 standard - the European Standard for Voice Alarm Systems - and has a compact and flexible design that allows it to adapt to different projects thanks to its expandability over IP and the possibility of integration to various devices. Through its touch screen in the voice station, the user can manage all the functions in public address and evacuation mode.

- Publicidad -

The equipment's X-DA series multi-channel digital power amplifiers were developed based on audio enhancement design concepts that enable superior acoustic performance. They can offer a wider frequency response range, a lower signal-to-noise ratio and better sound quality.

The X-NPMI Configurable Network Location Console is the first system on the market to offer a 4.3-inch LCD touchscreen. The novel look, simplified user interface, multiple functionalities, extensive information display and excellent error-proof design enhance the convenience of the remote control. The system features a OneClick emergency call button that allows for faster response in case of emergency.

The development of complex metropolitan buildings that include shopping malls, restaurants and office buildings requires that they be networked and managed by a software tool centrally. Every day, more than 10,000 people enter and leave these buildings 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so they should not have a single point of failure and provide assistance during an emergency evacuation very effectively.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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