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Fujitsu unveils how it will affect generational coexistence in the work environment

Latin America.  The company has commissioned the consultancy PAC a whitepaper called "Workplace 2025", where it shows what the job will be like in the next 8 years.

Employees, depending on their age, have different expectations and demands, which leads to multi-generational environments being created in all companies, regardless of their size. Traditional employees coexist with Boomers, EcoBoomers, Generation X and Z.

Are jobs in our country ready for the nearest future? Do companies and public bodies know how to manage their older workers, together with the new generations of employees, who demand different more evolved technologies?

Faced with these questions, Fujitsu has considered the development of its solutions and services for the workplace called "Digital Workplace Services", which is a new paradigm with which it adds value to the business. And to support this strategy shows in a whitepaper called "Workplace 2025", carried out by the consultancy PAC, belonging to CXP Group, what will be the needs of the workplace in the next 8 years and how companies must prepare for this digital transformation.

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"Because the world is changing. And the work environment too. Employees have different and increasingly demanding expectations regarding companies and therefore demand sophisticated technological developments. Likewise, the work environment is made up of different generations, each with their specific work needs and preferences. The search for talent is now a more intense competition than ever. Therefore, organizations must also redouble their efforts and meet the individual needs of employees," says Antonio Díaz, Director of Digital Workplace Presales at Fujitsu.

A sophisticated environment focused on 5 generations
Based on the data of the working population in our country, we see highly revealing information that shows the multigenerational structure of our companies. There are today in the business world 5 generations. First, the traditional whose percentage of the population is 19.10%, are owners of houses, are technologically decoupled and therefore their work tool is the car and their communication preference is face to face. They are loyal and practical at work. Second, the Boomer generation representing 26.04%, have just incorporated technologies into their day to day, they are challenging, their communication preference is face-to-face, telephone and email. Third, Generation X, whose percentage is 19.88% and their aspirations are to balance life and work. They are digital immigrants, the hierarchy does not interest them, their key work tool is the PC and they prefer to communicate by text or email. Fourth, the Eco Boomers with 19.34%, digital natives, require feedback, are highly realistic and their work tools are the tablet and the smartphone and their communication via online or mobile. Finally, there is Generation Z at 15.63%. They seek security and stability, are totally independent in IT issues, like to work in a group, their feedback is instantaneous and use Google Glass, graphene, nanocomputing, 3D printing, autonomous driving and communicate by videoconference.

Workplace 2025
This whitepaper called "Workplace 2025", carried out by PAC, a CXP Group Company consultancy for Fujitsu, shows the generational perspective of the job for 2025. A place that  reflects being marked by sociological, technological, environmental, business and demographic changes.

It reveals the need for the workforce to be collaborative, creative and energetic. And although it sounds distant, the foundations must be laid to be prepared. Therefore, it is recommended in this sense, first that companies develop their vision of their workplace and. second, create strategies for work style, technological transformation, processes and policies. It will ensure that the potential of workers adds value to the business, retains talent and drives the ambitions of each one.

It also reflects that the way of contracting changes. There are more freelancers, flexible-time workers, and repetitive roles are automated. A new place is created, more careful, designed to provide health and environmental care. Managers create new teams under the premise of collaboration. Productivity, motivation, innovation, new leadership positions for projects and the use of crowdsourcing are a maxim.

Data becomes a key element, the soul of all businesses in 2025, extracted in real time through any device, laptops, sensors, etc. Its analysis must lead to success at work and achieve full security of these, especially to be able to be visualized from any place and place, it must be a facilitator not a barrier. Privacy and intimacy add to this point.

For this reason, the multinational defines 10 recommendations to contemplate:

  • First, focus on employee experience in all aspects of their work life, training, progression, career, health and skills.
  • Second, the implementation of flexible, mobile IT capable of supporting the needs of a diverse workforce.
  • Third, employees who access their work from the car, desk, Smart TV, in short, any device.
  • Fourth, the smart office connected to offer them collaboration and innovation.
  • Fifth, devices that lead to a collaborative experience.
  • Sixth, Artificial Intelligence.
  • Seventh, secure access to data.
  • Eighth, knowledge sharing among employees, use of augmented reality and dynamic learning.
  • Ninth, collaboration between internal and external staff.
  • Tenth, partnership with external suppliers to co-create through ecosystem innovation management.
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Digital Workplace Services
Faced with this reality, Fujitsu believes and bets on "The People-Centered Workplace" and the union of three elements: personalization, connectivity and intelligence. An environment of the future designed so that the different and increasingly demanding expectations of employees can become a reality, thanks to rapid technological development. Because different generations coexist in it, each with their needs and preferences, where the search for talent is more intense than ever. "In our company we firmly believe in the need to unleash the power of people, to promote creative people with innovative technological tools, to  avoid developing a flat work that does not add value," says Antonio Díaz.

Fujitsu has transformed workplace management services under three essential elements: Social Command Center, Intelligent Engineering, Workplace Anyware. As for the first, Social Command Center, it is an automated service of first level of attention for employees and that is provided independently of the moment, the place of the world in which you are and the device that is used. As for the second, Workplace Anywhere aims to optimize the productivity of human resources, thanks to the increase in the possibilities of connectivity, the personalization of the work environment and the use of the creative potential of individuals by providing them with totally free work platforms. Finally, Intelligent Engineering, deals with the way in which Fujitsu evolves its field services when something does not work normally, based on increasing the focus on operations and betting on data analytics, minimizing failure in management cycles and maximizing the experience through automation.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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