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Curtains that make the difference

In addition to protecting spaces from the sun, modern curtains bring new developments and design trends that make the difference when decorating a place.

by Carolina Londoño Montaña

In these times, manufacturing companies have diversified their portfolio of products and services to offer the hotel customer more options to decorate their rooms and common areas, because they know that curtains are a fundamental element when designing a space and saving energy.

Now, you can find in the Latin American market curtains friendly to the environment, made with recycled materials, bright and sober colors and with simple and even automated fabrics.

Smart fabrics, simple designs

In addition to sobriety in designs and colors, current curtains use state-of-the-art technologies for automation and for the prevention of the spread of fire. As a novelty, blackouts are in development that fulfill the double function of darkening and adorning. And it is that when decorating a space the current key is simplicity. Gone are those heavy and elaborate curtains, as today's  designers prefer to decorate their hotel rooms with simple designs and modern finishes. This is how Moisés Fogel, Sales Manager of Valley Forge Fabrics, a manufacturer of fibers for curtains, explains: "Common curtains are being used, made of soft fabrics, without prints and simple in the design."

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As a novelty, Valley Forge Fabrics, an American company with 30 years of experience in the market and listed as the largest supplier of fabrics for the hospitality industry,  is handling curtains and blackouts with recyclable fabrics, specifically with polyester obtained from old machines, computers and even soda bottles, which have an average duration of five years and do not allow sunlight to change color. 

Safety and freshness

By provision of the American law NFPA 701 and the European EN13773, and satisfying the protection and safety needs of their customers, today's manufacturers of curtain fabrics take into account anti-flammable materials. As indicated by Alex Thompson, of the American company Marietta Draperie "all fabrics for curtains in hotels and public buildings use these anti-flammable fabrics for safety. There are no exceptions. Fabrics that do not slow the spread of fire  can become anti-flammable, but not all of them are treatable.  We recommend always using this type of anti-flammable fabric, because dealing with fabrics that are not does entail problems in their conversion."

This company, which was founded in 1946, currently works in the elaboration of fabrics for the hospitality industry and makes curtains following the current trend of  illuminated and fresh rooms. Thompson assures that the blinds help to achieve this task, with the advantage that there are several materials to manufacture them and that they also contribute to the conservation of the environment "The protection of the environment is one of our main business policies , because we recognize in this environmental trend a great influence that will remain for the next 20 years".

When it comes to colors, Thompson says choosing the right shades will make a big difference: "Fashionable colors are vibrant, vivid. Blues are bluer like the Caribbean Sea, greens are greener, and, along with coffee, now come in metallic styles.  Bronze, copper, and all "spicy" colors are all the rage. The gray turns to nickel and looks spectacular."

The trend of uniform and cold colors disappeared. Now, hotel chains such as Marriot, Intercontinental and hotels of the Cendant group, use unconventional combinations of colors with surprising results. As Thompson puts it: "The secret when mixing  colors is to enhance them by combining them with turquoise, yellow or orange tones, and why not, pink colors. Today's colors are definitely more intense. This makes them the most used and cosmopolitan." 
State-of-the-art technology

One of the most important trends  in the elaboration of curtains in recent years is their automation. This trend resorts to equipment and systems that allow better  control by the guest. María Sol Figueroa, marketing representative of Somfy, Mexican distributor of automated curtains, assures that wireless technology is the most used today by hoteliers: "the motor is tubular type with built-in signal receiver, managed by the guest and placed  inside the same curtain or blind,   where only one outlet contact is needed in the place where the curtain is placed,  the control equipment is remotely operated  emitting radio frequency signals."

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These curtains have a range of up to 100 meters in open space and guests can control the curtains or blinds independently, at the same time, in groups or  in subgroups according to the needs of the user. Somfy also has systems that are capable of manipulating the curtain at a certain time of day or according to the intensity of light.

For those who believe that automating their curtains is a wasteful process, Figueroa insists that this process is more practical than it is believed "automating a curtain or blind  is very simple, since the motor is not seen because it is installed inside the curtains.  At the level  of comfort and comfort, the change is radical, since we do not have to reach them  to activate them".

Another advantage of automation is the ease with which curtains are arranged in inaccessible places (double height, domes, skylights, among others), in addition to those windows in which using the manual option is practically impossible.  Thanks to these electrical systems, the curtains on these surfaces will work in a more practical way.

The most used automated curtains in recent times are the decorative, roller, Roman, cellular and horizontal wooden curtains,  without forgetting the traditional curtains, and for the outside the awnings or parasols, both retractable arms and vertical fall. Also used  are the so-called European curtains,  which are made of  round  aluminum with polyurethane injection, which offers thermal and acoustic resistance.

For the automation of curtains for hotels, there are different types of materials that can be used,  ranging from ordinary  fabrics to the most sophisticated polymers. These materials have the ability to repel fire, and are also manufactured with different degrees of opacity and openness that guarantee  maximum thermal and visual comfort.  In addition, these curtains enjoy a long life, since the engine can operate an average of 18 years and the fabric between 2 and 5.

Blackouts, with dual function

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As for the design and use of blackouts, the American company Roc Land bets on fibers such as  polyester as a fundamental component when manufacturing its blackouts and linings. If the customer wishes, they can also be manufactured combined with cotton  fibers "manufacturers love these materials because they are easy to cut and sew and hoteliers also use them because they are properly  preserved and because they are practical when cleaning them", says Randy Balboni, Marketing Director of Roc Land Industries.

New developments in Blackouts and Roc Land linings also point to innovative designs.  With its latest Naturally Natural collection, Roc Land is betting on 137-centimetre blackouts with 16 new colours and unique prints. They also come made of and without anti-inflammatory fabrics. The effects of weather seasons can be counteracted by using Roc Land products, as with their insulation properties,  they retain fresh air in the summer and warm in the winter.

Creativity in the colors of blackouts and linings continues to be an important differentiator when choosing a decorative option for a hotel.  Alex Thompson, of Marietta Drapery,  says that the most sophisticated hotels use colored black outs, although whites and ivories are more fashionable than ever. As a novelty in the development of blackouts and linings, Valley Forge Fabrics will present to the market a blackout with double function: it will be able to darken the room while decorating on its  back.  In addition, this American company is manufacturing curtain linings with delicate gauze, pioneers in the market.
Network curtains

Continuing with state-of-the-art technologies, Lutron, a  company that  manufactures solutions for lighting control, is developing curtains that use an electronic and digital device to motorize the movement of the system. Each curtain acts like a computer in a network, communicating with other curtains in the system.

The movement of these curtains is precise and silent. These use  a low voltage to operate, so wiring is simple and power consumption is lower than traditional 120v systems. "Daylight control is a critical component in an energy-saving solution. The control of solar brightness and heat also help to save energy and create comfort for the occupants of the space, "says Will González Marketing Director for Latin America of this American company.

Although for years it has been believed that curtains and blackouts  fulfill a purely decorative role, modern curtains can also be functional and practical for the guest. Therefore, the hotelier who wants to be at the forefront must invest in technology, to provide his client with the best options in those details that make the difference.

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