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Do not disturb: challenge of the restoration of facades

The wrapper sells. However, when it comes to hospitality, the façade or envelope plays a transcendental role, not only as a reference of an architectural icon but as a living organ of the building.

By Lyda Durango

Being the barrier that separates exterior and interior, the façade is the skin of the hotel and as such faces the imminence of the passage of time, climate and consequent deterioration.

Currently, the need for energy savings and the demand for an environmentally responsible construction have put under the magnifying glass the design of facades focusing on their functionality because in addition to being an architectural piece, the façade "is the first step for the conservation of energy", says Bill Marshall, director of the architectural firm Marshall & Associates. Therefore, the time has come for the facades to attract more attention from the management of the building, before it attracts the attention of guests.

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Function, beyond art

At two opposite points on the American map, New York and Buenos Aires, Hotel Management spoke with two architecture professionals who have specialized in the design, construction, conservation and maintenance of facades. Hoffmman Architects and Bill Marshall & Asociados are two architectural firms with wide recognition in their markets and that from their experience send a clear message to the industry: you have to keep so as not to lose.

"Any type of façade you design for a new hotel you always have to keep in mind what the future maintenance is going to be," says Juan Kuriyama, senior architect at Hoffmman Architects. "You can design something that is very attractive but suddenly it becomes a nightmare when it comes to maintenance," he adds. The laxity of Latin American laws is a fundamental part of the problem. In New York, for example, Juan says, the law requires owners of buildings larger than six stories to conduct inspections every five years to prevent the façade from deteriorating to a point that could cause accidents.

But in our region the reality is different. In Colombia, for example, there is no law that requires owners to do any type of inspection or maintenance to facades. In Argentina, on the other hand, there is Law 257 of security in facades, for the city of Buenos Aires, according to which all buildings, houses and penthouses in the city must prove the good condition of fronts and balconies. But this is not a reality that can spread to the entire region.

If we add to this the particularity of the hotel sector, the issue of facades becomes a critical issue. The hotel business is a 24/7 business, so how can we not disturb guests when maintaining or repairing the façade? "You have to try to do the construction without the hotel losing its operability," says Juan Kuriyama. The coordination between architect, construction manager and hotel is key when making the intervention of the façade. To avoid inconvenience to guests it is important then to make good decisions from the moment of construction.

And the choice of materials is one of the first steps. Hoffman Architects has specialized in advising on the choice of materials for facades. And although the choice depends on the particularity of each building, from this moment the future of the façade is defined. Here comes one of the most outstanding elements of modern architecture: the curtain walls.

Curtain walls have been erected as a simple, beautiful and effective solution to several of the problems of modern facades. These systems consist of lightweight glass, stone, aluminum, marble, metal and composite structures that minimize air and water filtration by equalizing substantial wind pressure in tall buildings.

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The success of curtain walls, or light facades as it is also known, has been such that some buildings are removing their old facades and replacing them with curtain walls. "Because it opens up the space more and lets in more light," says architect Kuriyama. In the case of hotels, they are mainly being used in those for conventions and events.
Symptoms of disease

When problems begin to occur in the facades, one of the most common problems is the acoustic permeability of the same that directly results in the tranquility and rest of the guests in their rooms. In that sense, Bill Marshall recalls the case of the NH Latino hotel in the city of Buenos Aires, a 100-room hotel in the heart of the financial district that had to be intervened due to noise problems. "Based on the accepted principle that where air passes, noise passes, it was easy to identify the possible acoustic permeabilities that this curtain wall presented," says Mr. Marshall.

The curtain wall of the hotel in question had not been completed in its entirety and also the building lacked adequate sound insulation between floors and there was no adequate sound insulation between rooms. Climatic factors, especially wind and rain, are the main elements of deterioration of the exterior components of the building.

"If designed correctly, curtain walls are beautiful and highly functional in keeping the elements outside and the temperate environment inside," architect Russell M. Sanders says in his article Courtain Wall: Not Just Another Pretty Façade. "A curtain wall is the element of the façade that forms the environmental barrier for the building but does not support the structure as such," Russell continues.


Another of the most common problems presented by facades is the penetration of water. And this is one of the first symptoms of a sick façade. "Normally, what catches the attention of maintenance or building managers is the damage to the interiors because water comes in and affects the operation of the hotel," Juan explains. The other most common symptom is when pieces of the façade begin to detach, which is not the ideal scenario because the hotel risks being sued in case of causing damage to a pedestrian or vehicle.

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In addition to climatic factors, the selection of sealing joints and materials is critical to prevent water and air filtration, and proper installation is also essential. The joints and seals are made of composite elastic materials that can dry, shrink, crack and lose their adhesion, when this happens there are small openings that allow water and air to enter.

When this scenario occurs on the curtain wall, the problem spreads to the interior of the building damaging the air quality. Ees that the façade is a fundamental part of the total structure of the property, but it is not just any, it is the face, the first impression and the wrapping that does not sell at first sight but from the first stay.

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