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The power of enlightenment

A subtle warm or cold air acquires the spaces of a hotel thanks to the use of lighting, which combined with colors, design and furniture give the place the unique touch you want.

by Ana María Restrepo

The aesthetic image of a hotel can be defined by a modern or traditional style, its furniture with simple or composite lines, neutral or more vivid colors, curtains, cushions, ceramic or marble floors, wide or reduced spaces, and direct, indirect, incandescent, fluorescent and other luminaires, which give the final touch to the interior design to highlight it.

Decorative lighting can be seen as a resource to create atmospheres and environments, always in accordance with the style that is sought and the space that is going to be decorated. Good lighting provides both rest and comfort, however when selecting the type of luminaires and light for a hotel, the places and purposes of each one must be taken into account, since the lighting of the lobby is not the same as that of the business center, or that of the restaurant to that of the room. Likewise, the trends towards energy saving have modified the use of light a little, implementing fluorescent or LED bulbs that replace incandescents.

The main function of decorative lighting is to create a functional and pleasant atmosphere in corridors, reception, living rooms, restaurants, cafes and rooms, where an aesthetic sense and light performance prevails.

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Attractive atmosphere

As is well known, interior design gives life to a place, but it cannot be alone, it needs a lamp or a light bulb that attenuates or highlights some aspects and improves the beauty and use of said space.

For David Weisinger, of Studio Italia Design USA, lighting is one of the most important parts of interior design, not only conceived as the technical part of illuminating a space, but as the piece itself, because lighting makes everything in the space change. Additionally, some luminaires reinforce the aesthetics of the place, since many of them are thought and elaborated as pieces of art.

A space changes with lighting depending on the type of luminaire solution that is installed; Weisinger explains that you can create a warmer atmosphere using an indirect light, for example in the lobby of a hotel you can use a less white light to give a cozy feeling.

Interior designers as well as lighting designers should be clear that hotels are spaces where people feel at home, so they should choose the pieces that best suit the needs of guests.

Luis Carlos Rodríguez, from FassLighting, explains that the final result of a good design is associated with the visual part; since there is an environment of concepts that can be seen from the architectural point of view and others from the point of view of design. "If I do not correctly illuminate an interior design, the final result will not be as expected. Lighting is a key factor because everything is perceived by the eye. It's important to be able to differentiate and use the appropriate heat temperature that is generated from good color reproduction, and select the light sources we use to illuminate those spaces so that they are the most suitable in terms of design."

Lights for every place

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A hotel is a tiny city where guests and visitors find areas for fun, recreation, rest and work, additionally, a hotel accommodates its staff, which works 24 hours a day to provide the best service, so that in all spaces different types of lights must be located, some of which must be governed by parameters such as energy savings or international and national regulations. In a hotel establishment the lighting must be adaptable and flexible.

In corridors and rooms, semi-indirect lights should be used to attenuate the intensity of the light and provide a more relaxed atmosphere. Rodríguez assures that in a room the light instantly paints the space, changes the dynamics, the texture and the atmosphere. It should be noted that in the United States there is the ADA regulation, American Disabiliest Act, which regulates the installation of lamps in the corridors of hotels to facilitate the passage of the blind, because there should be no luminaire that comes out of the wall and measures more than four inches.

The reception and lobby must be very well lit and have direct lamps that reinforce the decorative appearance and security of the establishment. In bars, for example, a dim light should be used to contribute to the atmosphere of recreation and invite customers to fun as Frederick Kern of Encompass Lighting Group explains.
Restaurants, cafes and shops use direct decorative lamps, made of materials according to the design, however some restaurants are implementing lighting only at the tables, so that diners do not get tired with a very strong light, although they also handle lighting controls to increase the light at the time it is needed or depending on the environment that wants to be given to the space in a certain situation.

When selecting a luminaire it is important to take into account the quantity and quality of light that a certain space must have based on the premise of its use and need.

Art, style and energy

Today, and due to the situation of the planet, industries have implemented energy and water saving measures that contribute to mitigate damage to the environment, and in this aspect the hospitality industry and decorative lighting are no exception.

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According to what was expressed by the interviewees, decorative lighting receives this name because its forms evoke particular figures or shapes, and its materials such as wood, glass, murano or metal, come together to form an aesthetically unique piece.

Luis Carlos assures that the term decorative lighting is very subjective and that it refers to those elements that can tend from the ceiling or those luminaires that go on the walls such as sconces; he also states that many times that decorative part plays with all the interior elements of the design, contrasting with it. Additionally, these aesthetic elements allow energy savings when using light bulbs or lighting systems of low consumption.

Frederick Kern explains that there are solutions that present in their application a low consumption, using around 750 watts of power without jeopardizing good design. In this same sense, Rodríguez focuses, who affirms that all luminaire manufacturers around the world use LED technology for decorative lighting.

These types of decorative and thrifty lighting must be taken into account to be implemented in a hotel, because today the establishments are immersed within the green wave and the lowest energy consumption. David explains that most new and existing hotels are switching their traditional incandescent lighting to fluorescent or LED lighting, which consume much less energy than traditional bulb or halogen.

Energy expenditure can also be minimized through lighting controls for the different areas of the hotel, which can be integrated with the other technologies of an integrated building such as air conditioning, ventilation, heating and security.

These systems allow the control of lighting from a single point in the rooms, others adjust to the management of the room by areas, so that the guest only activates the necessary lamps depending on the activity he is developing.

Warm and cold

As mentioned above, hotels become the second home of guests and therefore should represent for them tranquility, comfort and fun. However, it should be borne in mind that many of these travelers are not tourists, but entrepreneurs or executives who travel for business purposes and must carry out their work activities in the hotel, so that the lighting must be selected according to the functions of the guests and the areas to add visual interest without overcoming comfort, and give a generic look to the space as Kern exposes.

Some areas of the hotel, such as the business center and the living rooms of the suites, must have white lights that reflect a work environment and allow guests to develop their business activities; while in other areas of the establishment the warm, or yellow, lights encourage rest and comfort.

Currently and unlike what many believe, there are fluorescent bulbs that have warm or cold light, which can be located in different areas depending on what is needed. These bulbs allow to have a completely efficient lighting in energy and special for each activity.

Weisinger explains that there are also LED bulbs, which are not changed for many hours, because they last longer than a normal bulb, however this technology still has a high value so it is more efficient in terms of costs to use a fluorescent bulb.
Decorative lighting is not just an aesthetic aspect that reinforces a design, attracts attention, emotion and establishes a mood and comfort, it is a way to bring a space to life and save energy.

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