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Floors that transmit sensations

altThe floor of the hotels is one of the most visually striking elements, and the color gives it that differential plus that generates memory. In this edition learn a little more about the importance of color on lobbies floors.


By: Duván Chaverra A.

The details in the hotels are very important for a guest who today is much more observant and more selective when looking for a place according to their needs, where they can rest during a business trip or a holiday season.


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Today's client already has the possibility of having a much closer contact with the hotel through the network, there he can visit the website, observe photographs of its facilities and even know the opinions of some visitors.


And one of those details that make an establishment of this type attractive is the floor. This object increasingly becomes indispensable when designing a hotel, especially in the lobby, which is the letter of introduction of the place and one of the first images observed by the guest who will stay there.


Therefore, in this edition of its magazine HOTEL MANAGEMENT we will talk about the main trends in floors for hotels at the reception or lobby, and we will emphasize the issue of the colors of the floors according to the characteristics of the hotel.


That is why we invite two experts, who, based on their knowledge, will talk to us about the subject and offer recommendations to the hotelier depending on the type of establishment. They are the designer Adriana Hoyos, whose company bears her name; and Caroline Woodbridge, architect and interior designer at Indesign Space Marker of Costa Rica.

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With these two renowned experts we will break down the entire universe of colors that can be easily adaptable to the lobby floor of your hotel.


Initially we will talk about the colors that can be adaptable to the floors of a hotel according to the concept of the establishment. In the first place, Adriana Hoyos commented in this regard that "marbles, stones and porcelains are usually used in light colors, since the transparency of these materials makes the spaces grow and helps them look impeccable. When I want to achieve a more impactful and dramatic atmosphere we use dark tones."


For her part, Caroline indicated that "the floor must go hand in hand with the concept, whether it contributes part of the design or is neutral and allows the decoration or other elements to stand out. The most commonly used neutral colors are beige, as they provide warmth and allow any color to stand out."

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And it is that when you remember a stay in a hotel, what first comes to mind is its lobby or the rooms, and there the floors are included, because of their color, brightness, structure and design, these are an element that stays in the retina of the client.


Regarding the materials that are being used the most in hotel floors, Adriana Hoyos commented: "In Latin America the most used types of floors are marble, granite, wood and porcelain."


Caroline Woodbridge agrees that marble is a very implemented material: "Really the most used are stones, this depends on the type of hotel and its design concept, but in general marble is a good option for its degree of resistance, beauty and elegance; it is important to remember that for a hotel any material that is used has to be high traffic."

However, the high value of this material forces some hoteliers to think about slightly more affordable options. "If marble does not fit the budget, due to its high cost, then you could think of using a high-traffic porcelain, of which there are different formats, sizes and colors. Another very nice option is terrazzo, this material is very resistant and can be dripped right there on site, or installed on tiles like a normal floor, it has the flexibility to apply shapes, color and a design that personalizes the hotel, "added Caroline.


He also explained that wood is not highly recommended on the entire surface of the lobby, although it should be included in certain areas, but always taking into account that the cost of maintenance is very high.


And to finish with the issue of materials and their decorations, Caroline commented that the use of carpets is a good complement to hotel floors: "Another option that some hotels incorporate is the use of carpet in certain areas, always thinking about high traffic carpet, but this can bring design to the floor, with color, shapes and texture change. The wood and carpet I would recommend using them as a complement to the general floor, which should be the neutral color that we talked about earlier."


The importance of color

Our guests agree that the colors of the floors are responsible for giving the characteristic touch to the hotel. For example, Adriana Hoyos indicates that both light and dark colors have their own characteristics: "Light colors give luminosity to spaces, since they reflect more light. Spaces with these colors appear wider and brighter. Dark colors, on the other hand, absorb light, which is why they are used in lobbies when it is necessary to achieve drama and luxury."


For Caroline Woodbridge, from Indesign Space Maker, the importance of color lies in the fact that it must adapt to the overall design of the hotel, that is, it must be a perfect complement to the rest of the facilities: "If the floor is not an important part of the internal design of the hotel lobby, it is best to go unnoticed, or to complement the design, without standing out. The floor covers the entire surface of the lobby, so it has to be a neutral material, and let the décor stick out. Another reason is that a hotel remodels the decoration every five years or so, so the floor should not limit the design, on the contrary it should adapt to any idea."


For both experts in the field, the color of the floor influences the perception that a guest of a hotel can have. "Different colors generate different sensations. Neutral colors generate a feeling of relaxation and comfort. In addition, the guest can perceive the sharpness of the hotel through the color of the floor; also, clear floors are harder to keep clean," Adriana said.


For Caroline, the point of hygiene plays an "extremely important role, it is better to use a stone with beige betas and not completely smooth, because the betas hide dirt, while a clear floor with an even color highlights any dirt."


Accessories for the flats

There is no doubt that any well-worn object plays a complementary role and helps to harmonize the floor of hotels. From a piece of furniture to a lamp would accompany in the best way the design concept you have, explains Adriana Hoyos.

"In order to preserve a certain aesthetic uniformity, accessories of the same style of furniture must be used, among these lamps, carpets, sculptures. Indoor gardens and water mirrors are also used to bring elements of nature into the interior. The use of different materials in the floors is important, since these help to consolidate the environment, generating a feeling of permanence, rest, relaxation and comfort, "said the designer.


Caroline, for her part, said that textures also play an important role in the harmony that is sought to give to the mixture between the different elements that make up the design of a hotel.


"The harmony is given by the design, mixing a set of elements with different languages that harmonize and create sensations, among these elements is the floor, which in the lobby of a hotel is the area that carries more square meters, therefore directly affects the internal design of that place. "


The designer from Costa Rica added that "color and textures are important tools to take into account when designing a hotel, these can frame areas only with the change of texture and color on the floor, without the need to incorporate a wall. As the most common textures we can talk about stones, wood and area carpets."


Finally, Adriana Hoyos, summarizes this article with the following words: "The concept of color is no longer considered as a simple aesthetic or decorative value, but as a means to obtain the best functional and environmental results."

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