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Resistance and beauty, the perfect mix

altOn this occasion we have two expert manufacturers in glassware, which will give their impressions on the quality and aesthetics that this type of products must have for the hotel industry.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

We venture to write about a topic that is very little talked about within the hospitality industry and that we consider of great importance in the image projected by a hotel in its facilities such as restaurants, bars or rooms.

This is glassware for hotels. Throughout this article we will talk about the benefits and main characteristics that accompany a product that enhances or lowers the good image of your hotel, since there are many experts who look more than usual at the design and quality of a glass or glass glass.

That is why we invite two Mexican companies that manufacture this type of products to deepen their knowledge about the subject, talk about trends, main characteristics, demands of hoteliers, recommendations, among other topics that will be broken down in these pages.

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We have the contribution of Pauline Beier, commercial director of Latin Hotel; and Norma Leal, institutional sales coordinator of Libbey Mexico.

Aesthetics and resistance
Both are the main references that must be taken into account when acquiring a complete set of glassware for your hotel, it may sound obvious that these two characteristics are mentioned, since they are regularly the ones that are most taken into account when acquiring products of this class, for this reason, our guests explain the reasons for this inclination.

"The current trend in the hotel industry, in terms of glassware, is one of resistance and innovation in designs. Each hotel seeks to differentiate the glassware of each of its restaurants, that is, a certain type of design for the bar area, table, room services and room glasses. In the rooms and room service, resistance is sought more, while restaurants and bars seek more innovation in designs," said Leal.

While Pauline Beier highlighted the importance of glassware in wine glasses: "The trend is to use glass glasses that allow to express the benefits of each wine, unlike glass glasses. We are looking for a glass that allows us to express the properties of each wine without neglecting the issue of functionality and resistance that they must have for hotel use".

If we talk about the demands that hoteliers make when purchasing this kind of products, the representative of Libbey highlighted the following: "The first and most important thing that people look for in hotels and restaurants is cosmetic quality: brightness, transparency, a design that distinguishes them and durability."

Beier agrees with the previous comment and highlights that his customers in the industry ask him "to be a resistant, quality glass, attractive in terms of design, that exalts the qualities of each wine, that an adequate relationship between the price and the value of the product is offered and that a guarantee of refill and stock is provided to be able to cover the needs of refill quickly".

How to determine quality?
"The thickness of the glass is a clear sign of quality, many manufacturers have to make the glass thicker/coarser because they do not make fine glassware that is resistant. Where you can most notice this aspect is on the edge of the glass, a glass with a very thick edge indicates that it is not of very good quality, "said the representative of Latin Hotel.

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For her part, Norma Leal gave other guidelines to determine the quality of glassware: "It can be identified in many ways: transparency, the color of the glass, the scratches, the least amount of bubbles in the glass, that the article is not tilted, among others."

Basic care
The duration of the glassware depends on a large percentage of the type of care given to the product, although in special situations the glassware is changed when the restaurant menu is modified.

But regarding the type of care, Pauline Beier recommends the following to avoid damage to the product: "Train your staff very well, use baskets to wash the glassware in a machine and dry (mop) the glasses carefully."

Meanwhile, Norma Leal makes a list of the care that must be taken into account so that your glassware game lasts for a long time:

* Do not pick up the glasses in bunch.
* Do not pile the glasses into each other.
* Do not put metal cutlery inside the glass.
* Always use a plastic pallet to serve ice. Do not pick up the ice with the glass.
* Use the correct basket for each glass or cup for the best handling of these.
* Make sure there is a sufficient assortment of glassware according to busy periods.
* Avoid cup-to-glass contact on shelves above the head or anywhere else.
* Avoid contact of jars with beer spigot.
* Avoid overloading the collection trays.
* When pouring hot drinks always first the glass with hot water.
* Handle glassware carefully and quietly. Remove cracked or chipped glassware from the service.

Types of glassware
For each type of restaurant there is a type of glassware, the differences vary in the shapes and sizes of the glasses. Pauline Beier explains some styles created depending on the customer: "There are different styles of glassware that can be chosen for each type of restaurant. There are very high and large glasses that would go with a very elegant restaurant style; there are glasses with straighter or angular shapes that are recommended for more modern and minimalist restaurants; the cups with the very round chalice are for slightly more conservative styles. For more casual restaurants or bistro there are even stemless glasses."

For her part, the representative of Libbey commented on the same point that "for example, there are Mexican-style restaurants that ask for glassware with greater thickness, to give an appearance of greater resistance. Italian-style restaurants seek thin, thin and tall glasses, giving an appearance of elegance. In the oriental food restaurants they like the square very much and in others where they drive exteriors they prefer the glassware in cobalt blue".

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Tips to keep in mind
Once you have acquired a collection of glassware for your bar or hotel restaurant you must have basic knowledge to acquire new pieces of glass and thus not make the mistake of buying offers of dubious quality.

"Every person who handles glassware must know the fine qualities of glass products, as well as their treatment and handling, for greater safety and economy, facilitating their operation to prolong their life. Improving the handling of glassware means suffering fewer breaks, which translates into greater productivity and lower chances of accidents with injuries, "said Norma Leal.

Pauline Beier ends this article with the following recommendation for the hotelier: "Look for the best alternative in terms of price / quality and a glassware that allows you to maximize the income you receive through the sale of the drink. You should not skimp on the glasses, because if you are offering a good wine, for no reason should it be offered in a poor quality glass. That they look for suppliers that can offer them quality assurance, replenishment and stock".

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