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Swimming pools: quality, design and safety

altSwimming pools are one of the main attractions of hotels oriented towards the holiday tourist, for that reason we will analyze the materials, designs and factors to take into account when installing or remodeling the pool of your hotel.

By: Duván Chaverra Agudelo

There are all shapes, sizes, designs and colors, they are fun and become an appropriate place to rest and enjoy a sunny day or a cool night. The fact is that swimming pools are one of the most important elements within the hotels that permanently receive hundreds of tourists, which makes them a fundamental space for those travelers who are looking for a pleasant place to rest without having to go outside, which makes them more indispensable for many customers when making a reservation.

There are countless designs of swimming pools for hotels, and surely this article will fall short to mention them, however, this time the Art and Function section brings some recommendations on how to choose the best design for the construction of your pool in the hotel, taking into account factors such as budget, hotel style, target audience, materials and available space.

To talk about the subject we invited Jairo Medina, representative of OceanicPool, a Colombian company specialized in the design and installation of swimming pools, who will give some important recommendations when choosing the best design of the pool that you want to renovate or install.

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Initially, the guest spoke about the main trends in the design of swimming pools for hotels, highlighting the different shapes, also highlighting other areas that complement the pools in an ideal way.

"Current trends are directed towards designs with geometric and harmonic shapes, with clean and simple styles, it is also worth mentioning that the edges that are practically flush with the water generate the feeling of a mirror of calm water. The current constructions incorporate areas for massages and relaxation, solarium and jacuzzi, as well as comfortable access systems and rest areas with the freshness of the water on their feet such as the beach system, where children can have fun and adults can socialize, or just enjoy the sun and water. "

On the most important factors that a hotelier requests when installing a pool, the guest mentioned three fundamental aspects:

- Security
- Guarantees
- Quality

The safety and guarantee of the pools is closely linked to the place where you want to carry out the installation, since from that moment different factors such as the sun, vegetation or type of soil begin to be taken into account, which ultimately influence the performance, safety and maintenance cost of the pools. A pool located near a bush means that it must be cleaned at least twice a day to remove all the leaves that can cause clogging of the drainage, filtration and conduction systems, limiting their proper functioning.

It should also be borne in mind the number of visitors that the pool can comfortably receive as well as the safety for children, which will allow to avoid emergencies that can end in tragedy. For that reason, the issue of complete visibility in the pool is another important point that must be kept in mind in the design and construction.

The quality of the work has a lot to do with the type of material with which it will be built, for example, Jairo Medina, from OceanicPool mentioned some materials and colors recommended for hotels:

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- Concrete
- Ceramics in warm colors
- Blue color in all its ranges and white
- Coral stone, doll stone, Mediterranean slab
- Reflectors in various colors

At the time of choosing the materials, the step of the analysis of budgets, terrain and design must have already been met. If you have selected to build your pool with concrete you should keep in mind that the installation time is complex and needs a few days for its execution. Between ten and fifteen days it takes the set-up of this installation that goes from the transfer to the location in the indicated place.

Maintenance and remodeling
Regularly a pool is designed so that it does not suffer any type of modification and that it is used during the type of useful life that is budgeted, however, if a hotel wants to carry out some renovations it must take into account that the cost can be quite high, however, it can be an opportunity to carry out some reforms that you have always planned, which will allow you to modify the appearance and improve the aesthetic taste.

For example, the guest recommends that hoteliers have aspects such as the following when designing or reforming their pool:

- Swimming pool with design, beaches and interactive games
- Integrate the pool and the natural landscape
- Keep in mind the comfort and safety for all family members (children and adults)

He also listed some requirements that by Colombian law must be met when installing a pool:

- Have a vacuum release valve
- Install anti-entrapment grid
- Have an enclosure system
- Have an immersion alarm
- Install depth signage

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This is because in the region there have been accidents with minors due to failures that have occurred in the maintenance and supervision of the pools, so you can not skimp on investment to offer the best safety to its users while enjoying a pleasant rest within a space like this.


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