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Decoration for the senses

altAlthough it sometimes goes unnoticed, the decorative laminate that is present in almost the entire interior of a hotel establishment subtly achieves the elegance and practicality that are so necessary in the hospitality industry.

By: Lorena Stapff

More and more hotels around the world see in paper a material that offers excellent solutions to their various needs. From souvenirs, wall finishing, uses in the kitchen, among other utilities. One of them, and perhaps the one that becomes more important when it comes to giving a touch of elegance and originality to a hotel establishment, is the decoration and in this the creative use of paper becomes indispensable.

In the search to offer this industry a solution that globally meets a decorative need, but at the same time offers practicality, versatility and elegance, there is a material called formica, which consists of a decorative laminate that offers various shapes, colors, designs and applications, and that although many do not perceive it is part, to a greater or lesser extent, of all the furniture and hotel real estate.

This material, which was created in 1912 in Ohio, United States, with the aim of becoming an electrical insulator is a composition of kraff paper and decorative paper impregnated with phenolic and melamine resin, pressed at high temperature. Its creators were Herbert A. Faber and Daniel J. O'Conor, who did not hesitate for a second to retire from the company in which they worked, the Westighouse firm of Pittsburgh and decided to create their own company, which initially manufactured electrical insulators but later, in 1927, saw in the decoration its maximum potential.

- Publicidad -

Formica decorative laminate is becoming increasingly relevant and gaining greater recognition in the business of architecture and industrial design, as not only hotels have found in this material a great ally but it has also opened ground in applications for business and residential uses.

Versatility for a thousand uses
For a hotel it is essential to give a sensory experience to its visitor, in the end what the client takes into account is the feeling with which he ends his stay in that place. And perhaps for that reason a guest does not look at technical details such as the material from which this or that piece of furniture is made, but it is a reality that not only good attention is important, it is also necessary a set of details that awaken the senses, from the menu, to the decoration. The visual and tactile elements achieve a favorable feeling and make that guest decide to return, or better yet, to recommend that place to others.

"Whether a space is designed for dining, living together, entertaining or relaxing, hospitality is based on the need to offer guests an experience that makes a brand's promise a reality. That is why when thinking about a space with a certain style, we seek to wrap the client in a pleasant composition of color, texture and designs that contribute a large part to that experience that is intended to offer, "says Adriana Gutiérrez, representative of Formica.

This material is everywhere: walls, doors, closets, furniture, lobbie, restaurant bars, columns, service areas, bathrooms, elevators and tables. The versatility of the laminate means that you can obtain various adaptable shapes.

"They are elegant, easy to apply, clean and maintain. They also offer high resistance to abrasion, impact, high temperatures and certain chemicals, this makes our materials very durable," explains Gutiérrez.

Shapes, colors and trends
There are many designs and textures offered by decorative laminate, and they vary according to their uses or intentions. According to Adriana the trend that is now revealed in the hospitality industry includes opposite and neutral colors.

"We see two key color trends for the hospitality industry that include black and white and many variations in warm tones: white color dotted with red, violet, pink, orange or yellows, the latter are vivid colors that bring the mind to an optimistic and sunny mood. Gray is a very strong trend in interior design, again dotted with red or some other range of strong colors. At the same time, neutral, warm, nature-inspired colors are still a must, especially in rooms intended to be a refuge from this noisy urban world polluted with any amount of visual images."

Due to its wide range of designs and uses, formica decorative laminate has gained a ground in the preference of users, it is a durable, resistant and elegant material, which has a much lower cost than solid wood and offers benefits in its finish such as variety, durability, and homogeneous surface.

- Publicidad -

"Given the number of customers and staff occupying or passing through a hotel's premises, materials and surfaces must be durable and resilient without sacrificing design and style. Heavy traffic and ease of maintenance are just two of the considerations that the finishes must meet. Hygiene is a special condition in kitchens and bathrooms, therefore, in some cases, this material is resistant to stains, and other factors such as impact and temperature. Thus, formica laminate is ideal for food consumption areas since it is a non-porous surface, easy to clean and certified to be in contact with food, resistant to daily spills, shocks and cleaning products, "says the representative of Formica.

Caring for the environment
"Green" is a concept that is fashionable and not only for being so but for its deep and real importance in what has to do with the protection of the environment, cleaner productions and the health of manufacturers. That's why today's customers make green choices in all aspects of their lives.

Hoteliers are also taking steps to reduce the impact on the environment: from "paperless" policies, to an organic food menu and lighting adjustments to achieve energy savings.

Formica Corpotarion joins the concern of the world community for sustainability, and therefore has as a priority to offer architects, designers and consumers a complete range of environmentally friendly products, innovative materials that promote a healthier environment.

"As a responsible global citizen, Formica Corporation has established numerous environmental management programs that reflect our belief that good intentions and ambitious goals must result in strong and meaningful action," says Adriana.

Formica Corporation's plastic laminate and solid surface are Greeguard Indoor Air Quality certified for low-emission interior materials. Likewise, this company works with certified wood, its suppliers are independently certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and the Program for the Recognition of Forest Certification (PEFC).
"Formica Corporation meets the standards that ensure our products contribute to the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED rating points system," concludes the representative.

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