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The softness of ecology

altTextiles were also trapped by the era of environmental care, as the demand by hotels for this class of products for their facilities is growing, however there is still a need to generate more awareness in the consumer.

By: Duván Chaverra Agudelo

We are in the era of sustainability, thanks to the fact that the planet has manifested itself in one and a thousand ways seeking that the human being becomes aware of his mistakes and can correct them in time before natural phenomena do it for us.

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That is why organic products are gradually gaining an important space in world trade, thanks to the fact that with the passage of time the consumer adapts to a new proposal as interesting as it is necessary.

On this occasion, the Section Art and Function of HOTEL MANAGEMENT will delve into ecological textiles. In the 5th edition of 2009 we went into the latest trends in textiles and mentioned in a section that ecological textiles are gaining strength, today they are already positioned in the industry and many of the companies in the segment concentrate their efforts on the development of these products thinking about the environment.

To deepen the subject and learn about the process of adaptation of hotels that already demand this class of products, we contacted three textile manufacturing companies that already work on their natural or recycled products. The guests are Valeriano Suárez, general director of Dues in Mexico; José Alejandro Hoyos, commercial director of Textiles Confort, and Moisés Fogel, sales director for Latin America at Valley Forge.

To begin, the guests talked about the eco-friendly materials they are implementing for their creations. Valeriano Suárez said the following: "I can tell you about two aspects; on the one hand those textiles that are born from natural fibers, therefore, with better biodegradable properties and on the other hand, those results of the recycling of products of artificial or synthetic origin".

José Alejandro Hoyos mentioned the materials with which his company is working in the ecological aspect: "In our case, because they are woven and not inserted carpets, we have materials that are mostly 100% ecological, such as jute and cotton (as materials that make up the base of the carpet), wool (as plush) and natural latex (as a dressing)".

Moisés Fogel mentioned that his company specializes in the development of fibers derived from the eucalyptus tree and all kinds of recyclable materials which are converted into polyester.

But in addition to helping with the environment, this kind of textiles also make their contribution in other aspects. "Ecological textiles not only collaborate with the environment, but also provide support to agriculture and institutions that work in substitution of irregular crops, in the same way it is worth adding that because they are natural fibers they tend to be less prone to flames," said the representative of Textiles Konfort.

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For his part, the director of Dues, stressed that the experience of working with organic products has also allowed to innovate with other natural fibers. "When working with ecological textiles, the preservation of the environment is fundamental, and collaterally, this has also contributed to discovering new alternatives, such as fibers, the result of natural products such as bamboo or wood (cellulose)".

While the representative of Valley Forge assures that in the hotel industry the awareness for the environment is still booming: "Today the hotel industry does not want to know more about fabrics that are not recyclable, in addition this class of materials allow them to be given a simpler care, and being recyclable these products have more useful life".

Recyclable fibers have also allowed us to discover new design possibilities, creating textures and colors. Regarding the design, Valeriano Suárez commented that "it is a challenge, given that complying with an ecological attribution restricts the range of possibilities, but of course also offers opportunities for new discoveries that end up providing innovation and advantages".

In a similar way, José Alejandro Hoyos says: "The advantages we find of working with these types of fiber are the richness in their varieties, colors, and textures that we find in no other type of fiber."

Processes in Latin America
Latin America, like the developed countries, has not been left behind in the search to increase the development of products from natural fibers, however, Valeriano Suárez, of Dues Textiles de México calls for improving environmental regulations so that the use of this class of products is encouraged to a greater extent.

"In Latin America, based on our traditions, fortunately it is common practice to use textiles from natural fibers, however there is no doubt that the industrial revolution has greatly promoted the use of textiles from artificial fibers. Another important factor to take into account is the regulation in the environmental field existing in each country, and unfortunately it must be said that in our latitudes we still have a long way to go in this regard if we compare ourselves with more developed countries. It must be recognized that this regulation that we lack is an important driver in the development of ecological textiles."

For his part, the commercial director of Textiles Konfort speaks of the progress in the use of these products in the region: "The developments of this type of fibers in Latin America are increasingly common, since this hemisphere is one of those that has the greatest richness and diversity of this type of elements, in addition, with the arrival of international chains, it is increasingly common for applications to be submitted and in several cases the use of this type of product is required".

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How profitable are eco-friendly textiles?
This is a niche that has many opportunities to grow greatly in the coming years, however, and although it does not yet have much competition, already companies in the region feel fearful of the arrival of foreign investors.

"Profitability is getting lower, as every day companies from Asian countries enter that force us to compete with prices regardless of the difference in qualities; now the textiles that will lose ground in the coming years will be those that do not meet the needs of the consumer, taking into account that in addition to this it is an obligation to generate added values that make a difference, "said José Alejandro Hoyos.

While Valeriano Suárez commented on the subject the following: "Without a doubt they represent a great opportunity, they are a niche that although it does not yet generate the volume of other markets has the advantage of not being so competitive".

Finally, for ecological textiles to occupy a preponderant place in the industry, it is necessary to improve education for a consumer who, although he knows the importance of using this kind of alternatives, still does not show the desired interest. The process is on the right track, but it is a duty of companies to try to accelerate this process.

"The consumer is not very involved in that yet, the commercial designer and the architect want their textiles to be friendly to ecology, but the consumer has to be educated a little, because he does not know that he is still using products that will affect the environment. However, we have been working on this project for more than three years, at first it was not easy, since there was no such culture, but now we find with satisfaction that at least the hotel chains, both local and international, are giving more and more relevance to this issue, "concluded the representative of Textiles Konfort.

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