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Resistant to the rigors of the climate

altThis time we will talk about outdoor furniture and mention the most appropriate materials, colors and designs for this class of products, which can be adapted to your hotel.

By: Duván Chaverra Agudelo

The materials and quality of the outdoor furniture, accompanied by a novel design and an appropriate color summarize the mission that a product like this has within the hotel facilities: to impact and make all guests feel comfortable.

If we go to a certain hotel we find all kinds of products that were born from the ingenuity of a recognized designer, who left his ideas impregnated in an object that fills with life the exterior facilities of an establishment historically created for rest.

In hotels, the most appropriate places to install outdoor furniture are pool areas, beaches, open and covered terraces, terraces of rooms or suites, terraces of restaurants and cafes located in the pool areas or the beach, bars on the beach, lobbye, among others.

- Publicidad -

The designer knows that there the essential element to decorate is the furniture. But beyond the design itself, materials also play a preponderant role, because the quality, durability and performance of the product depend on this, especially if one takes into account the continuous climatic changes that are occurring in much of the Latin American region.

Aluminum predominates as the material that is currently being implemented more for the development of outdoor furniture, due to its resistance to different climatic stages. "We are currently using PVC treated with ultraviolet rays, with this the product is not discolored. The structure is made of aluminum since it does not allow it to rust and thus can remain outside all day," said Román Ibarra, CEO of Zuo Mexico.

On the same point, Marie Hoyle. Sales director of Caravita, an umbrella manufacturer, said that "the most suitable materials we use are dyed acrylic fabrics and aluminum construction. All of our products are made for commercial use."

For Ibarra, the climate should not affect furniture of this type: "It does not represent greater importance, since outdoor furniture must withstand any weather."

For her part, Marie Hoyle assures that the climate is taken into account from the moment of design, especially since this is an expert company in the elaboration of outdoor products. "Time and location are very important. In fact, it's the first thing I ask a designer. It is key to understand the functionality of the product to generate shadow. Designers have always thought of this as an accessory, but it should be considered more as a necessity. When it comes to generating shade, you have to take into account wind conditions as well as seasonal changes."

It is also important to keep in mind that depending on the area where the furniture will be installed, furniture must be acquired with the most appropriate materials, since if it is a place where humidity is a factor to take into account, aluminum, as expressed by the guests, is the most recommended. But if the site is dry, it is advisable to implement materials such as wood. It is also worth mentioning that currently the products that make their contribution to the protection of the environment are also the order of the day.

Current color and design
In design, color plays an important role as it gives the identity and recognition to the product you want to install. For Ramón Ibarra, colors such as beige and some shades of blue and red are the most recommended and used in outdoor furniture.

Marie Hoyle also said that there are different alternatives in the range of colors: "This season we have seen a variety of bright colors (greens and blues), but what has remained constant in the neutral palette is the gray color, which has  taken the reins over neutral colors such as beige or brown."

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With regard to design, according to our guests the trend is based on creating products that in addition to being contemporary, improve aspects such as saving spaces, ergonomics, among other points listed below by the representative of Zuo Mexico. "They must be products that allow simple cleaning, also that are resistant to salt water and the sun, in addition to having the ability to be used in a way that allows a varied use. Chairs should be stackable and foldable to save space."

In the case of Caravita, his concern is more in making simple designs. "We always take into account the design, we consider that the simpler the better. We also take into account not to incorporate many plastic pieces in our umbrellas. Aluminum and stainless steel connectors are used to defend commercial use, as this works for both functional and design purposes."

Hoyle added on this same aspect that "our most popular design is the collection of side umbrellas. For many reasons a side umbrella offers not only a great shape but also that its function is important, allowing to cover the areas of the seats with shade, just as it is essential not to be forced to move the shade when the umbrella is closed. These products are ideal for small living areas as well as dining groupings."

It is then clear that when thinking about the most suitable furniture to use outside your hotel, the materials and functionality of the product predominate as the aspects to be taken into account. The design complements the product offer and this must also be adapted to the style of the hotel and the needs of the area where it will be used.

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