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Cutlery, an investment in image

altA proper choice, care and cleaning of the cutlery of a hotel or restaurant will guarantee long life and great savings in replacement of elements.

by: Vanesa Restrepo B.

When it comes to choosing cutlery for service in a restaurant or hotel, elements that transcend design and price are rarely taken into account. However, issues such as lack of care, inadequate maintenance or poor quality in materials can end up creating a gap in the finances of any establishment.

And is that despite being fundamental components for a restaurant, you only think about cutlery when opening the business or making a major renovation in it. That is why it is important to evaluate the quality of the product, certify the material with which they are manufactured and establish clear maintenance parameters with employees.

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Keep in mind that most of the good quality cutlery available on the market has an estimated shelf life of 10 years, as explained by Margarita de los Ríos, manager of international supply: "In some cases, with proper handling, it is possible to have a good quality cover in excellent condition for up to 15 years, as we have seen in some hotel chains in the Colombian Caribbean."

Durable materials
Experts consulted by HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT, including Javier Reyes, Project Manager of Latin Hotel; Margarita de los Ríos, manager of International Supply, and Justin Soucy, Sales Director of Guillesa Internacional and Global Caribbean; assured that the material is the key to having a cutlery of good resistance, pleasant appearance and great durability.

18/10 stainless steel is the one with the best performance, since it does not alter the taste of meals, great resistance to oxidation and shine. Not to mention that its maintenance is much simpler than that of other materials.

Currently most of the cutlery on the market is made of this material and, in fact, almost all hotels with more than three stars use this type of cutlery for their restaurants and food services, explained Justin Soucy, and said that establishments with lower category generally resort to 18/0 steel, which has a shorter duration.

According to Margarita de los Ríos, the best way to verify that the material is authentic is to make sure that behind the cover is the 18/10 inscription.

For his part, Javier Reyes explained that among the cutlery manufactured in 18/10 the only one that adheres to the magnets is the knife, as it has a carbon blade that gives it resistance and flexibility at the end designed for cutting. "A lot of people try cutlery with magnets, but they don't know that stainless steel doesn't work magnetically."

However, the magnet technique is useful to differentiate the elements made from 18/10 and those manufactured in 18/0. The latter are susceptible to the activity of a magnet, in addition to the fact that it can be easily bent, which does not happen with the former.

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Choosing the best
Before selecting a particular cutlery, the first thing that managers should consider is the specialty that the restaurant will have. "The type of environment causes the elements to vary. In an Italian restaurant, for example, the decoration is modern and usually smooth cutlery is used, not very thick, long, of good weight and sometimes square, while in Mediterranean restaurants the use of cutlery with engravings is avoided because those places are susceptible to the accumulation of saline particles of the environment that end up oxidizing them. " javier reyes said.

If it is a hotel you also have to consider the service area that will use it. In the words of Margarita de los Ríos, "if it is a room service or a cafeteria, you should look for smooth elements that are easy to wash, because the speed of use is greater. Instead, cutlery with designs should be reserved for the main restaurant."

Before making the purchase of cutlery, Justin Soucy recommends asking the supplier for a sample of them and eating with them to determine how they feel, if their weight and balance are adequate and if the grip is good. Additionally, check the quality of the finishes: that the engravings are on both sides of the handle, that the tips of the fork are aligned correctly, that there are no stains or problems in the polishing and that the knife has enough edge.

"Factory problems rarely occur, but it is always advisable to turn to a supplier who guarantees the product, who markets good brands and, most importantly, who always has stock available to replace any number of parts at the time it is needed," Soucy said.

Trends in design
Classic designs that include smooth, stylized and elongated pieces have boomed in the market in recent years and, according to Margarita de los Ríos, there is a great acceptance of cutlery with matte finishes, especially for classic restaurants.

"Cutlery with round, thinner and thinner tips are widely used in classic restaurants," says the representative of International Supply and points out that the fact that the pieces are thinner or with less weight does not indicate that they are of poor quality: "it all depends on the design and model."

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The use of silver cutlery is also widely accepted, although its use is restricted to social clubs with memberships. "On a table people don't usually distinguish the differences between silver and 18/10 steel, except in knives," said Justin Soucy while explaining that the care of silver is greater because they require constant polishing, in addition to its initial price it is obviously higher.

Margarita also explained that there are certain high-end restaurants that use cutlery with titanium and gold finishes. However, their initial and maintenance cost make them very exclusive.

Innovation for the future
In the coming years, stainless steel will continue to be the dominant in the cutlery market, despite the fact that materials with greater resistance to scratching, shock and staining, such as titanium, are already being worked on. The reason is quite simple: the costs of steel are substantially lower than those of titanium and the availability of metal is also much higher.

Similarly, it is possible that the use of new materials for handles, such as polymers and plastics, will grow, although their use is not widely accepted in the hospitality sector for purely aesthetic reasons.

In terms of designs, it is expected that there will be a growth in the use of longer elements, more curved knives and flatter spoons, which bring a stylized image to the restaurant. Smooth finishes will still be favorites because although they are more susceptible to fingerprints while being handled, their cleaning is much easier.

Keys to maintenance and care
With the contributions of three experts from cutlery distribution companies: Margarita de los Ríos, Justin Soucy and Javier Reyes, we established some basic maintenance and cleaning parameters to avoid scratches on the pieces and guarantee their shine conditions.

1. Cutlery made of stainless steel should be washed only with soap and water.
2. Avoid the use of abrasive sponges.
3. As far as possible, it is recommended to use cover holders to store them transport them.
4. If the washing is done in machine, baskets with compartments should be used. In flat baskets the knives collide with other elements and with their edge they can scratch them.
5. Establish mixtures of water and detergents or cleaning products in washing machines. A bad ratio can be abrasive
6. Do not pre-wash. If water and dirt are in contact with the cutlery for a long time, the parts may stain.
7. Dry the pieces immediately after washing with a clean towel.
8. Polishing is not necessary but can be done every three months. Some distributors have special machines and substances for this purpose.
9. The use of food waste baskets with magnets will not work with steel cutlery, for the reasons stated above.
10. If the pieces have engravings, try to dry the handles well so that no stains are generated. If they are smooth pieces, avoid touching them with dirty hands so as not to leave traces.

Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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