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Textiles also prevent allergies

altpillows, blankets, bedding, curtains and rugs are the elements that make up a room and that, if not chosen properly, can affect the health of the guest.

by Vanesa Restrepo

Arriving at a hotel room is coming into contact with a wide variety of textiles ranging from carpets to towels and bedding. All these elements have something in common: they are in direct contact with the guest's skin, so they demand high cleanliness standards to ensure that there will be no unpleasant experiences.

Cleaning procedures must be increasingly effective and faster, because we are in an environment full of pollution and suitable for the development of endless respiratory diseases that worsen when the person is not in clean and ventilated spaces.

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"Dust mites are a major problem and contribute to allergy attacks," says Javier Contreras, Sales Manager of the multinational Valley Forge, renowned for providing textiles to different hotel chains. The official also points out a problem that has grown as a result of ignorance; it's about bed bugs.

"Recently, hotels have seen an increase in bed bug infestation. Many do not know that smokers (although it also occurs in non-smoking rooms) leave traces of nicotine and smoke in textiles and sheets. Smoke traces and nicotine can contribute to a person's allergies," he said.

Meanwhile, Juan Fernando Valencia, director of Institutional Endowment of the multinational Distrihogar, said that blankets are another source of allergies because they give off small fibers that can be annoying for the respiratory system of guests.

Prevention comes first
The quality of the textiles that are chosen for bedding, towels and curtains is key to determining how much maintenance they will require so as not to generate discomfort, accumulate dust or encourage the growth of pests such as mites and bedbugs.

Before choosing a textile, it is important that the hotel manager or purchasing manager evaluates the design and the final use that will be given to them. In the words of Javier Contreras, it is necessary to identify where the products will be in the room and how much they will be in contact with the hotel guest.

"Then, you have to consider for durability and applications of stain repellents, and finally moisture resistance to avoid mold, which is one of the main causes of allergies," said the representative of Valley Forge.

Once they have been installed, a maintenance, cleaning and renovation plan must be established for each of the parts. For example, in the case of pillows, Juan Fernando Valencia recommends that they be replaced every six months, since due to their composition and use, they tend to become a "dust bag".

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"The pillows must be lined with anti-fluid protectors, so that nothing is transmitted from the face of a guest to the pillow or vice versa," says Valencia and specifies that this is the piece that is in most direct contact with guests.



Technology, the lifeline
In recent years, advances in nanotechnology and new materials have made it possible to create fabrics that are more resistant to attacks, durable and pleasant looking.

"Textile technology has changed a lot and we pay a lot of attention to the creation of textiles that help the environment to avoid problems with allergies," explains Javier Contreras. He refers to a new line of textiles that has been developed based on the fibers of eucalyptus trees.

These fibers are characterized by being hypoallergenic, in addition to maintaining the heat and humidity of the body, which prevents bacteria from being produced, so you have a dry product that provides good rest.

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Nanotechnology has also done its part in favor of this productive segment. One of the most important advances is the production of nanoparticles that are added to fabrics in order to make them antibacterial, resistant to fire and UV radiation.

Likewise, there are nanotechnological applications that favor the conservation of heat (used in cold climates) or its expulsion (fresh textiles used in hot, desert or beach areas).

But none of these technologies is infallible and the key, according to our guests, is in the cleaning that is done of each of the pieces. The recommendations and procedures in this regard depend on each hotel and the type of textile in question, but in general manufacturers advise not to use very hot water, use good brand detergent that does not leave residues, do not use bleaches or chlorine, and avoid overloading washing machines.

Carpets in the eye of the hurricane
The hotel sector is going through a dichotomy regarding the use of carpets in rooms. Critics point out that they are the main source of dust accumulation, as well as a breeding ground for microorganisms that affect health.

The defenders, for their part, explain that in addition to facilitating the update in design, colors and aesthetic trends, the market already has healthy materials that maintain the feeling of new and fresh spaces.

This is pointed out by Verónica Lacoste, of Communications and Marketing of the company Interfaceflor, who also points out that before the problem lay in the fact that when registering stains or damages, a general reempit should be made, since they were carpets in roll in which any cut or repair generated obvious visual problems.

In response to that need, modular carpets emerged. "The hotel segment is recently opening up to modular products, basically due to ignorance of the advantages," says Verónica.

He adds that managers "are used to the use of the roll and for this reason they start by comparing values, which varies depending on the category of each hotel. Fortunately, the advantages of modular carpets are known every day to the people who decide and when their demands for price, return on investment, durability, ease of cleaning, maintenance and replacement, design, flexibility, sustainability and after-sales are satisfied or capture that there is a whole support of a company that accompanies, the purchase decision is immediate. "

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Kavlakian of the consulting firm Deffer & Deffer Hospitality Solutions explains that the importance of resistance to discoloration and fire are the two most considered variables when choosing a carpet. "Modern carpets are widely used wall-to-wall. Their composition based on natural and synthetic fibers, their soft texture, touch, efficiency in sound absorption and relative ease of maintenance have made them very popular for this type of space."

Despite everything, stains in rooms, corridors, restaurants and odors are the problems of highest sensitivity. "If the carpet does not have a waterproof base, liquids or dirt pass under the fibers accumulating mold and bacteria, which results in those unpleasant odors that are of a high negative impact for guests or customers who, for sure, will not return," explains Verónica Lacoste.

In this case, as in bedding, the key is in the materials; verify that there is an insulating layer under the carpet, that the fibers have anthomrobial treatments and establish an aspiration and washing plan in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.


Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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