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Recommendations for protecting sensitive company data in the digital world


Latin America. Users are increasingly aware of the importance of data protection. Digitalization, the increase in time spent on the Internet, as well as the proliferation of cyberattacks, has also caused us to be more cautious when it comes to providing data on the Internet.

In fact, according to a study conducted by IAPP, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, 68% of consumers worldwide are somewhat or very concerned about their privacy on the Internet and 67% decided not to make an online purchase for privacy reasons.

This shows a growing concern on the part of users that should not go unnoticed by companies, which must reinforce their cybersecurity processes to ensure the protection of their customers' data.

How to promote customer data protection
On January 28, the "International Day for the Protection of Personal Data" was celebrated, where professionals and experts in cybersecurity aim to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the data that is exposed on the Internet.

Along these lines, WatchGuard specialists share some tips for companies to improve the protection of their customers' data:
Invest in identity protection solutions: One of the main ways to protect your customer data is to safeguard your workforce's credentials. Along these lines, having solutions that certify the identity of users through strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods or monitoring the presence of credentials on the dark web is an effective way to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your employees' accounts and, with it, your customers' data. These tools, included in Total Identity Security, can help shield the data your organization owns.

Monitor https web encryption: despite the fact that website encryption is designed for website security, more and more malicious actors are gaining access to encrypted websites. For this reason, it is recommended to monitor the status of encrypted websites to ensure that they are safe spaces for users and do not put their devices or data at risk.

- Publicidad -

Prioritize a unified cybersecurity system: Gaps in cybersecurity can make it easier for malicious actors to steal data. At this point, rely on a cybersecurity system that patches the organization's possible vulnerabilities so that, in this way, data is more effectively shielded and protected from possible attacks. With a platform like United Security Platform, you can implement comprehensive layered protection and have control of your company's entire cybersecurity protocol in an integrated system, in a simple and accessible way, as well as secure.

In short, data is valuable information not only for companies and users, but for cybercriminals as well.

In the event of suffering a third-party data breach, it would not only mean great damage to corporate reputation, but also serious legal and economic consequences that can have serious repercussions on the future of your company.

For this reason, it is important to address data protection in depth and apply an integrated and updated cybersecurity protocol that shields all the sensitive information that your organization has, whether from third parties or your own.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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