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20% of the banks' total portfolio corresponds to sustainable construction projects


Colombia. Angélica Ospina, Executive Director of the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS), highlighted that "to date, credits have been approved for approximately 350 sustainable construction projects. This represents a significant milestone, as around 20% of the banks' total portfolio corresponds to projects of this nature."

Currently, six commercial banks in Colombia are leading the market offering green credit lines specifically designed for sustainable construction. These lines, which include preferential rates for loans, are oriented towards recognized certifications in sustainable construction, such as CASA Colombia, LEED and EDGE. The most widely used LEED certification for comprehensive sustainability internationally has experienced a notable increase in its presence in Colombia, with 564 projects registered and 274 certified.

"The financing of the sustainable building, Atrio's North Tower (pictured), is very special because it is a real estate project with exceptional considerations and structured for the long term. The investment model is 99 years extendable, with the understanding that economies are changing and various economic events occur. This type of configuration is only found in large-scale projects, such as urban developments or landmark properties. The development group gives the city a world-class building with the greatest confidence in Bogotá and the country," says Tomás Huertas, Atrio manager.

The choice of a long-term financing model, in addition to being a strategy that offers flexibility in the face of economic changes and market conditions, is also crucial for the development and permanence of sustainable buildings. These structures, as they last over time and retain their value, require committed long-term investments that allow the implementation of eco-efficient technologies, thus contributing to the environment.

In the case of LEED certification, the projected savings for the operation vary according to the type of project, with an average saving of 14% in energy consumption and 52% in drinking water consumption.

Colombia currently stands out as one of the top ten countries in the region with the highest number of certified sustainable construction projects, occupying the fourth position. Brazil leads the list, followed by Mexico and Chile, according to the World GBC's "World Green Building Trends" study.

An emblematic project in Colombia is the North Tower of Atrio, certified at the LEED GOLD level. This building achieves savings of 14% in energy and 65% in water, standing out for efficient strategies such as the landscaping design with 100% native species, the rainwater collection and treatment system, and a façade that guarantees thermal control and protection against pollution and solar radiation. It was recently distinguished among the most innovative and sustainable constructions globally by the International Federation of Real Estate Professions, FIABCI, in the categories of Best Offices and Grand Winner of Real Estate Excellence in Colombia in 2023.

Other notable projects include the Cancer Treatment and Research Center (CTIC), the first project to achieve LEED Healthcare Certification in the Gold Category, and the "Seeds of the Future" building in Palmira, certified with LEED BD+C and self-sustainable in terms of energy.

El Dorado Airport in Bogota is another jewel in sustainability, being the first air transport terminal in the world to achieve LEED v4.1 O+M certification, Platinum, and leader in energy performance in Latin America in all its versions.

These exemplary projects reflect the real estate and financial sector's commitment to sustainability, setting standards that drive the country's economic and environmental development.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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