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Exphotel 2007

Relaxing water and portable oxygen, the ammenities of the future

Perhaps the hotel industry never imagined that the ammenities of the future would have to do with vital resources such as water and oxygen. But the future is already here. And the last Exphotel fair, held in Cancun between June 13 and 15, was the perfect setting to see up close the products that are setting the trend of ammenities in spas, gyms and rooms.

"Minz is a functional drink" reads a promotional piece of the new mint-flavored water drink that was launched during Exphotel. It is the first drink that releases tension from the body and mind since its properties fight stress, says the company's information.

"This is an aspirational product," explains José Luis Cisneros, sales and public relations manager for the southeast region of Mexico for Minz. "We seek to give a plus to the hotel and the room," he adds. "We are applying a philosophy that comes from Europe, it has to do with the current of chill out music and slow food," says Mr. Cisneros.

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This product aims to give the act of drinking water a purpose: relaxation. It is pure water without dyes or sugar or preservatives or calories and with a single ingredient: mint leaves from the state of Idaho, USA, where the best mint leaves on the planet come from.

More than commodities

Water, not only as a vital resource, but as a product of commercial consumption requires to be a quality product, therefore, it is also being cataloged by flavor experts. This is how during the event attendees had the opportunity to know the water that has been cataloged as the best tasting in the world from Saint-Élie-de-Caxton Spring in northern Québec, Canada.

Saint-Élie Natural Water offers countless combinations of shapes and colors for the presentation of the products for hoteliers. "Everything is customized according to the needs of the hotel," explains Francine Lavoie, president of the company. On the first of June, the International Institute of Quality and Taste (iTQi) awarded Saint-Élie the 2007 Superior Taste Award, awarding it two stars.

This natural source of Saint-Élie water is particularly well insulated from the surface thanks to a thick layer of airtight clay that prevents any surface contamination.

And since it is about returning to the basics and elementals, another vital resource that is becoming a product is oxygen. Oxia is a product packaged in a personal, portable dispenser that contains oxygen free of any contaminants found in normal atmospheric air. Among the benefits of the product are that it helps relieve stress and headache and generates a feeling of energy like that obtained with careful breathing during a yoga session, among others.

"Thanks to the technology with which it is designed, Oxia is refillable, that is, you can change the empty bottle of the personal dispenser," explains the promotional piece of the product. Oxia is currently used by thousands of people in countries such as Japan, USA and Cananda and now in Mexico.

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"Exphotel was an excellent event to publicize the product in Cancun. We have just arrived and we have only been active in the market for three months and Oxia has had a lot of acceptance, we are very happy with the results," said Cristina Guzmán, from Oxia Mexico.

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