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"With academic preparation there are greater chances of succeeding"

Rodolfo Roth, General Manager Hotel Marquis Reforma, Mexico

by Lyda Durango

At the end of the 70s, the Lausanne School of Hospitality had 8 students from Latin America. At that time it was a privileged group of Latin Americans who were part of the cosmopolitan student universe of this prestigious institution.  In 1979, Rodolfo Roth, current general manager of the Marquis Reforma Hotel in Mexico City, was one of them. Having attended an academic institution of the stature of the EHL has convinced him of the benefits of academic preparation in times when empiricism continues to be an integral part of the figure of the hotel manager in the region. This, together with the increasing specialization in the different positions of the hotel operation, is marking, in his opinion, the course of the profession.

The multifaceted manager
A quarter of a century has been necessary for the profession to adapt the changes of the environment to its daily functioning. At least some managers do so as a natural result of an evolutionary process, of which Rodolfo Roth's professional career is a good example. Technology, human resources, sales and security have moved to the day-to-day of their profession. But there are two aspects that determine your evolution as a professional: sales and human resources.

"The hotelier today first has to be a salesman," says Mr. Roth. "The customer used to come to you, now you have to go out and find it," he adds. Part of that change is due to the fact that competition in the sector is growing more and more rapidly. "They arrive with very aggressive products and the customer in turn wants more," he explains.

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Therefore, in the period of one year that he has been in charge of the general management of Marquis Reforma, one of his great projects has been the renovation of his restaurant service. The restaurant La Jolla celebrated its 15 years of life and at the same time closed its doors to welcome the restaurant chain Los Canarios. With an interesting combination of Mexican and Spanish food, the new restaurant of the Marquis Reforma will also be a vendor restaurant. A response to the changing demands of the Mexican hotel market.

With an avant-garde decoration that incorporates a Mexican touch, in its design stand out American oak materials, pearl white marble and an onyx bar illuminated inside. A sliding glass façade will complete this new setting, allowing guests and users to enjoy a beautiful panorama of the city as if they were on a large terrace. "This is the project of the year and promises to offer a new expectation within the hotel," explains Mr. Roth.

Times change
The permanent evolution of the professionalization of the sector has also marked that of the Marquis Reforma. "Our spa is the only certified leading spa in Mexico City," he clarifies. "Our therapists are all people with previous training and training. "Now giving a massage is also a profession," he emphasizes. An aspect that determines in turn another that is increasingly delineating the future of the sector: certification. Being part of Leading Hotels of the World, the Marquis Reforma is subject to an extensive certification process. "If you do not meet certain aspects in terms of quality, services or facilities, they take away the possibility of continuing to belong to the group," he explains.

"20 years ago there were no system managers in a hotel," recalls Rodolfo Roth. "And today they are a neuralgic part of the operation, given that each time the guest asks for better resolution in terms of communication and technology," he adds. Rodolfo also remembers how when he started his career, there was no spa manager as it is now. "No one imagined that a spa therapist should be a person with a curriculum that includes therapist studies," she says.

The personal touch
When in 1980, Rodolfo Roth arrived at Camino Real hotels in Mexico , it was a giant step but it would be only one in a trajectory that already fits 25 years and that has to its credit names of the stature of Camino Real, Grand Melia, Hoteles Presidente, Radisson and Calinda. In addition, to his academic training he has added his journey through positions such as food and beverage management, quarters, operations, development and technical services, in addition to general management.

But his experience at the Marquis Reforma has been something he is pleased with. Its emphasis on preserving the values of the hotel and highly valuing the human resource has been the key to success. "There is a very personal contact between collaborators, guests and customers," he explains. Part of that contact is favored by the low turnover of staff that the hotel registers. A very safe way to guarantee the intimate and personal contact that guests of a luxury, independent and traditional hotel like the Marquis Reforma in Mexico City are looking for.

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