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Argentine hospitality, in action

Just a couple of weeks apart, two important events of the hotel industry were held in Buenos Aires. The First Ibero-American Congress of Hospitality and Tourism -from August 15 to 17- convened by the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT). The 5th edition of Hotelga – from 3 to 6 September – was visited by 20,000 professionals from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.

by Marcela Ledesma

Just a couple of weeks apart, two important events of the hotel industry were held in Buenos Aires. The First Ibero-American Congress of Hospitality and Tourism -from August 15 to 17- convened by the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT) in commemoration of its thirtieth anniversary, brought together entrepreneurs and professionals in the sector who debated a wide topic related to the evolution of the business and the training of his paintings. The 5th edition of Hotelga – from 3 to 6 September – was visited by 20,000 professionals from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.

Both events reaffirmed Buenos Aires' status as an important business and meeting center in the region while – each from its perspective – showing where the hotel industry is headed. The presence at both events of public officials from both national and other countries, ambassadors and the highest managers of regional tourism organizations was a full reflection of the increasing interference of tourism in general and hospitality in particular in the generation of foreign exchange for States.

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A forum with continuity

At the close of the First Ibero-American Congress, two important achievements can be noted: first, the announcement of the creation of the Ibero-American Federation of Hospitality, a way of institutionalizing the dialogue and links generated between the participating countries through the exchange of experiences, information and training. Secondly, the continuity of this initiative was guaranteed when the Mexican delegation proposed that its country host the second congress.

On the meaning of the Federation that began to take shape in the halls of the Duhau Park Hyatt Palace, Guillermo Lavallén, president of the AHT, elaborated before Hotel Management: "there is a nucleus of common interests for whose defense and development greater integration is necessary, we have glimpsed the need to create a permanent forum that allows hotel entrepreneurs to exchange experiences and explore joint solutions."

"It is opportune then to create an ideal institution for the integration between the men of the hotel industry in the region, we have warned that the Hospitality Industry in the Ibero-American Universe has distinctive nuances, the managerial styles have a base of common values and virtues that should be identified and strengthened.", Lavallén added. During the event, a letter of commitment was signed with the aim of exploring the possibility of creating a supranational entity that acts as a forum for hoteliers.  


For most Latin American countries, Spain is a clear benchmark in tourism. This is supported by some data: 60 million visitors in 2007, 12% of GDP; a successful segmentation of its promotion strategies by the government and several autonomous communities; a hotel industry in frank expansion towards Europe and Latin America as in its own territory with names of international weight such as Sol Meliá, NH, Barceló, citing only three powerful groups.

These factors make Spain the second world power in tourism and absolute leader in Europe of citybreaks (weekend stays). For all these reasons, the plenary presentation of Antonio Gil Alonso, general secretary of the Hotel Business Association of Madrid, was one of the most convening in the congress.
The Hispanic representative developed different alternatives to achieve greater growth of the industry in Latin America, highlighting the need for specialization that points to an increasing segmentation of audiences, and the demand by the private sector for precise State policies that place the activity in a legislative framework according to its importance.

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Always taking the reference of Spain, the president of the AHT reflected on the industry in the region. According to Mr. Lavallén, all the countries of Ibero-America, from Spain to Argentina, share common problems, regardless of their degree of development. One of these aspects is that tourism and hospitality have become one of the most dynamic sectors of the respective economies with an interesting flow of investments in hospitality.
"Currently, we are facing new challenges, forcing us to a serious task of renovation, recycling, incorporation of new technologies and modernization of facilities, with the aim of providing an excellent service to our customers, in a process of constant improvement."

We need to assess the threats that – in the short, medium and long term – can affect the development of our markets to assume a proactive attitude," he said. Among the problems to which it is a priority to find a solution, he listed: the issue of commercial air transport and improvement of land routes, the need to develop convenient infrastructure to enhance tourism, the training of human resources, the regulatory laws that are necessary to organize and allow equal conditions and safety. He also mentioned the synergy of efforts between the public and private sectors to find effective and applicable solutions to outline policies that contemplate the economic-social reality of each region within the countries as one of the key challenges of the industry.

Hotelga: a good showcase

The 12% increase in visitors compared to last year; the number of exhibitors and breadth of items; the high quality in the design of the stands; the increasingly prestigious chefs' tournament; the academic level of the seminaries; all these aspects constitute the great universe that unfolds every year in La Rural de Buenos Aires, signing again and again the success of this international fair of products and services for gastronomy and hospitality.

A tour of the fair allowed us to appreciate that not coincidentally Buenos Aires has been distinguished as the capital of design in Latin America. From amenities, cutlery or fabrics to furniture or lighting, there was no element of decoration or equipment that did not have an original and elegant presence. Software companies, on the other hand, showed the most innovative tools in management and administration of reservations, as well as in back office programs.

From its first edition to the present, the interest of owners and managers of the first line of hotels and restaurants in all MERCOSUR countries grew. The marked professional profile was given by the large attendance at the parallel seminars and by the number of meetings and business meetings that took place in the different spaces of the fair.

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