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Reservation systems for industry

The Internet has facilitated contact between people and companies around the world, giving a more global look at each of the activities that are developed; In addition, the conception of time and space has been modified, physical activities are transformed into virtual ones, minimizing costs and services are conceived in the network as a lucrative activity. Previously the systems of hotel reservations, travel and air tickets had to be done personally, some activities could be advanced by telephone, but physical contact between the operator and the client was needed to conclude the business.

Nowadays the conception of the deal between customer and company face to face has changed and companies stopped underusing the network just to make themselves known and offer products, confidence in operations in the electronic system has increased, so much so that for 10 years the number of online reservations increased or, especially in North America and Europe.

These reservations are carried out on the network thanks to reservation platforms or web programs that allow tour operators, travel agencies, airlines and hotels to carry out these processes in real time without space restrictions, in addition they are executed with encrypted keys to protect the information of both customers and companies that provide the service.

By developing this process, costs are minimized for the end user and profits are higher for travel agencies, airlines or hotels as middlemen are eliminated. Some of these systems have an all-in-one package, which offers users the possibility to select the destination, the flight, the hotel and others with just one click.

For example, the Innomius Technologies platform uploads all the information regarding hotels such as availability, type of rooms, description, seasons, blackouts, types of  passengers, rates, etc., allowing users with permits to manage the reservations that are generated through their site or some other distribution channel connected to the platform. The information is consulted by tourists or end customers through the company's website, whether hotels, travel agencies, tour operators or airlines.

- Publicidad -

For its part, Vizergy's ™ Secure-Res solution, web-based marketing, is a program that provides high viability in search engines, increased traffic to websites, measurement and adjustment to companies according to the needs of the company, in order to reach direct potentials, reservations and packaging options.

Both systems, despite their different forms of operation and conception, allow online reservations to be made and provide end users with what they need so that they can compare rates and availability directly, and the data is presented in an easy-to-use format.

The booking platform allows customers (hotels, airlines, tour operators) to modify rates, block hotels or upload information from any computer connected to the network. Likewise, the solution publishes rates on request, over-the-counter and inventory loading, where it deducts from the availability the reserved rooms and returns that inventory if the room is canceled or when it is automatically canceled for not complying with the last day policies to make the payment.

These new online booking methods that have been used for ten years, but have become popular six or seven years ago, are the simplest and easiest way for end users and customers to configure their corporate or tourism plans. On the other hand, online booking solutions provide branded hotels with secondary booking engines paired with proprietary websites, in order to get an increase in their revenue through their most profitable sales channel.

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