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Dirty clothes are washed at home

Each space of the hotel fulfills an indispensable function to provide guests with the best attention. The laundry service is a clear example of this.

by Alejandra García Vélez

When talking about the commitment of hotels to the environment, a great emphasis is usually placed on energy efficiency, but other elements that also influence this field should not be forgotten. In the case of laundry services today you can find much more efficient equipment that manages to generate savings in terms of water use.

Beyond the global statistics regarding the situation of this natural resource, it is important to remember that in the case of hotels, every step taken to minimize the environmental impact of the industry is also a step towards optimizing resources and obtaining benefits in the general management of the hotel.

According to information provided by the American Hotel and Lodging Association, the average consumption of a hotel is 209 gallons per occupied room each day. A significant percentage of consumption is destined to the laundry area. For example, the Sonesta Posadas del Inca hotel in Puno, Peru, performs on average 14 loads, each of 25 kilos, for an estimated 350 kilos of clothing per day, according to Ursula Hinostroza, manager of the hotel.

Given the above figures, Engineer Alberto Martínez, commercial manager of Equipos para Lavar SA de CV, offered some keys that in his opinion can help make this area more efficient; for him the most important thing is to use a proper washing formula, an exact injection of chemicals and a fair level control for the dirt that is presented. To achieve this it is necessary to have an updated microprocessor, so it is very important to review the characteristics of the equipment. There are also options such as water recirculation, insulation suitable for the dryer and ironing machines, as well as a suitable temperature controller that does not allow much margin for error. "It is very important to take into account the dirt, type of fabric, water quality in order to maximize energy and water savings," the official said.

- Publicidad -

For his part, Lee Wilson, international vice president of Alliance Laundry Systems, said that the new laundry equipment has systems that include advanced functions such as the possibility of choosing between multiple levels of water to reduce consumption, as well as data analysis that allows better monitoring of processes. This type of equipment facilitates a better management of the laundry service and provides high quality results while reducing costs and time.

Technology advances at an unstoppable pace, every year technological adaptations are made to improve the quality of washing equipment, increasing its durability and reliability, decreasing the amount of necessary inputs and of course making them more friendly to the environment.

For example, Martinez said, "in dryers the consumption of gas or electricity must be considered, in mangroves we must demand new energy-saving designs where the ironing cylinder is not exposed," and added "the first thing is to consider only equipment with updated technology, for this it is necessary to verify that the equipment has quality certificates with international recognition."

Five-star laundry

According to the Tourism Corporation of Venezuela (Corpoturismo), the highest category hotels must meet certain requirements in the laundry area to maintain their status, including having minimum floor conditions, having adequate ventilation, it is also important that the walls are fully covered with tiles this in order for the steam to condense in the walls lowering the humidity index of the environment and to facilitate the cleanliness of the space. It is also essential that the machinery is isolated and safety measures are taken to avoid accidents.

It is also important to pay special attention to the selection of machinery, for example a good washing machine will be equipped to carry out quick washing processes, with little consumption and almost automatically, this means savings in time and money. According to Corpoturismo to choose the equipment must take into account the amount of clothes to be washed each day, the space available for installation, the ease of loading and unloading. And it is essential that the machine has a cycle programmer to be able to eliminate phases of the process that are not necessary at a certain time.


Lee Wilson noted that 2008 was a year of growth for the hospitality industry, despite the slowdown that occurred during the last quarter of the year. Therefore, the year ahead may be a challenge because it is possible that the construction of new hotels will decrease. However, a reduction in operational costs will be sought, so existing hotels may decide to invest in new laundry equipment in order to reduce costs.

- Publicidad -




To exemplify the operation of the laundry area in a hotel we have the case of the Hotel Sonesta Posadas del Inca in Puno, Peru.

Features to consider when selecting equipment:

•Number of rooms in the hotel.
• Services offered to its guests in the laundry.
• Number of restaurants, bars and event rooms that the establishment has.
•Number of employees.

- Publicidad -

Equipment specifications:

•90 kilo washer with hot and cold water inlet, thermometer, control of washing levels, spinning
•90kg dryer
•Steam stain remover
• Calandrea for ironing sheets, tablecloths etc.
•Press ironer.
• Washing machine of 18 kilos for colored and delicate clothes.

With this data you can decide the number of equipment and the volume capacity of the same.

Operation Hotel Sonesta Posadas del Inca

*62 rooms
*48 workers at the hotel
*2 operators in the laundry area covering shifts: 7:00-3:45am - 7:00/12:00am -5:00/8:00pm.


* 1 washing machine of 25 kilos.
* 1 calandres.
* 1 dryer of 25 kilos.


* Bed linen.
* Hotel staff uniforms
* Restaurant linens and events.
* Clothes guests.


*14 loads per day, each load of 25 kilos for a total of 350 kilos of average clothing per average day.

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