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× commitment to the most original hotels in the world

03/04/09 Acrobat (pdf, 34 KB)

Anti-crisis strategy of the hotel sector

Hoteliers apply original measures such as linking with film products or producing a reality show toattract the public

In addition, there is a 12% price drop worldwide, according to the latest Hotel Price Index in

Against the crisis, imagination, and apparently the hotels have taken it at face value. Many are those who are currently looking for alternatives to try to overcome the economic situation and get the attention of those customers who look more and more at where and how to invest their money. The main strategy has been to substantially reduce tariffs. According to the Hotel Price Index (HPI) of, the price decline worldwide during the last quarter of 2008 was an incredible 12%. But in addition to the discounts, many hoteliers have decided to bet on creativity and offer something totally surprising and differentiating with respect to the competition, so as not to lose their share of the pie. has selected the three hotels with the most original strategies in the world, where the guest will be able to experience more than just an excellent accommodation thanks to its ingenious concepts and also with a 50% discount.

- Publicidad -

"TheNHwatches you"

Even the hotels themselves have joined the reality fever that for years have been taking over the programming of all television networks. Specifically, it has been the NH Hoteles chain in the Netherlands that has launched to create its own reality show. Everyday the employees of the chain are recorded for 24 hours in three different hotels, allowing the viewer to see the day to day of their work (and some extra-work situations ...). Thanks to this initiative, NH Hoteles has managed not only to increase its bookings, but to become one of the audience leaders in the Netherlands, with more than 400,000 daily viewers. NH Barbizon Palace (*****) From 350 euros per night*

Hotel Fox, designed by the best artists in the world

This particular hotel in Copenhagen demonstrates how a good marketing strategy can make a difference and attract people from all over the world. During the launch of the new Volskwagen Fox, twenty-one artists – including two Spanish designers – completely transformed the hotel into a work of art. Specifically, the 61 rooms were converted into dream stories, ranging from spectacular designs related to the world of comics or nature to the world of motoring. Thanks to this initiative the Fox Hotel has become one of the most recognized and visited in all of Denmark.Hotel Fox (*****) From 97 euros per night*

Horton Tryp Hotels, get close to the children and they will bring you their parents

Children are increasingly important when choosing a destination or a hotel to stay. It is important that they can enjoy activities and special attractions for them (and that they do not turn mom and dad's vacation into hell). In this line, Tryp Hotels has developed an original and fun initiative decorating its family rooms with characters from Horton's film. In 2008 he had already made a similar strategy with Spiderman and in the coming months he will release his special about James Bond. In this way Tryp Hotels has managed to become the preferred alternative for those families traveling with children. Horton Tryp Hotels (*****)From 45 euros per night*

And the general tone, offers, offers, offers: 500Hotels at 50% in

- Publicidad -

In addition to these initiatives, throughout the sector we can see great offers. Specifically,, thinks about the pockets of their customers, not only in times of crisis, but every day of the year. The spring promotion saves up to 50% on a selection of 500 hotels. One of the most successful is the offer for the Hyde Park Hotel in London, which allows you to stay at this four-star hotel in the heart of London for 68 euros* (double room) when booking 21 days in advance. But it is just one example of the discounts available in hotels around the world, Hong Kong, Miami, Dubai, Shanghay, Dublin, at 50% in

*All prices and offers are valid as of March 30, 2009, but are subject to change.



Operating in major markets with a dedicated team, offers more than 80,000 quality hotels worldwide. has one of the largest expert hotel teams in the sector, it also includes user reviews that offer a first-hand analysis of the characteristics of the hotels. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13

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