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Enjoy discounts of up to 50% on with the latest summer offers

06/29/09 Acrobat (pdf, 68 KB)

In times of crisis, take advantage of the best opportunities and live the best vacation of your life invites you to enjoy the latest offers for this summer. Available from today with discounts of up to 50% in all types of destinations, beach or large cities. Come and discover that for just a few euros you can discover the ideal hotel for you.


Hotel Juan Carlos I – Barcelona, Spain From only 162 euros* One night free with stays longer than 3 nights - Last minute sales!

- Publicidad -

This impressive fifteen-storey hotel, whose glass and steel construction matches the modern look of Avenida Diagonal where it is located, is ideal if you are looking for luxury accommodation in the centre of Barcelona. This five-star hotel has no less than 412 rooms, all characterized by an elegant and very modern decoration, in which blue predominates, and which is composed of carpets and refined furniture.

Hotel Puerta América – Madrid, Spain From just 118 euros* Save 36% with stays longer than 3 nights - Last minute sales!

The Puerta América is an impressive five-star hotel, characterized by its original colorful façade. This large luxury hotel stands out for its exclusive design, in which some of the most renowned architects and designers in the world participated. Its 342 rooms stand out for their great modernity and their exclusive design, since each one is decorated individually.


Katathani Phuket Beach Resort – Phuket, Thailand From just 92 euros* Save 30% with stays longer than 3 nights

The Katathani Phuket Spa in Thailand is a hotel located less than 15 kilometers from the Promthep and Patong Caves on Kata Beaches. This earthly paradise runs along 850 meters of sandy beach in a cove isolated from the world. It is located between green hills and white sand. It has two spectacular wings, one with incredible views of the sea and another towards the pool and mountains.

Villa del Bosco & VdB Next Hotel and Event Living – Catania, Italy From just 92 euros* Save 50% with stays longer than 6 nights

- Publicidad -

This sumptuous establishment combines a classic Baroque style and a modern design. The dining room where the breakfast buffet is served overlooks the sea and Mount Etna. The hotel also has an outdoor pool. And in the restaurant the most classic Sicilian dishes are served. The hotel's rooms have different decorations, but all combine ancient Sicilian tradition and modern design.

*Prices valid from June 25 to August 17. All reservations must be effective before September 30, 2009.



As part of the Expedia group, which operates in all major markets with a dedicated team of experts, offers more than 100,000 quality hotels worldwide. If a customer finds the same cheaper deal on prepaid hotels, matches the price. benefits from one of the largest hotel groups in the industry to negotiate the best prices for its customers, in addition to including reviews of the establishments provided by its customers. has won webuser magazine's Gold Award for best hotel booking website in February 2009. Travellers can register online or by contacting one of the multilingual customer service centres on 900 814 000.

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