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Safe hotel, safe guest

The Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort Hotel features Notifier's fire detection system. In this article you will find the details of the integration.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

Cancun, Mexico, is an earthly paradise with beautiful beaches as blue as sky, and with romantic sunsets that congregate lovers to fix their gaze on the horizon while the bright sun hides to give way to the moon.

Its beaches preserve the traces of millions of tourists from all over the world, who find in this paradise an opportunity to rest, to enjoy a pleasant nightlife, learn more about the history of the Mayan culture and forget for a few days the problems and the hustle and bustle that daily life sometimes has.

Bathed by the Caribbean Sea, and with the history that the famous Yucatan Peninsula has left it, this region belonging to the Mexican state of Quintana Roo has some of the best hotels in the world, located on the seashore and designed to make the stay in Cancun an unforgettable experience for all its visitors.

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But so that all that dream is not consummated in a fact that must be regretted, security plays a determining role within the entire tourist package, and this must be clear to the hotels that receive thousands of visitors per year.

In this Success Story we will reveal the installation of the fire detection systems of one of the most recognized companies in Latin America, and that was carried out in one of the hotels located on these beaches.

Our protagonist is The Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort, belonging to the Starwood Hotel & Resorts chain, an establishment surrounded by shopping centers, crystal clear beaches, places for diving and that also offers other recreational attractions for its guests.

This hotel has 394 rooms and 8 floors, and it was there that Notifier, a company of the Honeywell group, installed the fire detection security system, a process that began in 2007 and came to an end this year.

Notifier worked hand in hand with the integrating firms Cemelco – Argentina, supported by Segman – Mexico, which installed a total of six NFS2-640 boards with voice and an Onyxworks server that also integrates security, access cards and CCTV; in addition to approximately 2,800 smoke detectors throughout the hotel.

The security system protects a staff of around 220 employees for the three shifts, covers 98% of all areas of the hotel, that is, a group of nine buildings with eight levels with seven or eight rooms each. It is also worth mentioning that the automatic and fire sprinkler system is also monitored by the Notifier network.

Javier Ortegón, representative of Segman, was our guide during this analysis, and gave his opinion on the importance and competitive advantages that a hotel has when installing fire safety systems.

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"A fire detection system guarantees and elevates the tranquility and security to the guests and collaborators of the property, as well as to national and international travel agencies, which manages to generate a greater capture of customers."

And it is that the guest his own safety worries him more than before, nowadays the client makes sure to be in a hotel that has all the basic security rules for his peace of mind.

"The objective or purpose that we have with our system is the prevention and detection of fires and the controlled and efficient evacuation of occupants and visitors of the hotel," said Ortegón.

The installation of this project started from scratch, changing the previous system that was also a Notifier AM2020 when The Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort hotel belonged to the Sheraton chain. "It started from scratch, it was a completely new project in which the integrator company Segman changed the original specification from GE to Notifier and developed the new engineering of the smoke detection, alarm and voice system," said the engineer.

System Features
Through its integrated Onyxworks system, the company installed a Noti-Fier-Net network with six boards that it monitors and controls thanks to more than 150 screens. "With the graphic screens you can identify in a faster and more accurate way the place where the fire alarm is being generated, which allows a better reaction on the part of the entire security team," explained our guest.

Similarly, Ortegón commented that the firm he represents also has the following systems for hotels: "NFS2-640 and NFS2-3030 with voice: intelligent, modular, expandable and flexible systems, capable of operating alone or in a network, capable of adjusting 'to measure' to protect any type of building, and that can be monitored as a single integral system."

On the other hand, with respect to whether some setbacks were recorded during the installation, Notifier clarified that no fact was presented to relate, since the work carried out by the integrators facilitated the process.

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"We do not have any criticism but this work was developed in several stages for more than 18 months, taking into account the commitment dates to deliver certain areas of the resort operating at 100% and on the dates required by the client. This was possible due to the teamwork of the integrator (a company of Argentine origin) that made the installation, and that had at all times the support and technical support of Segman".

The results obtained
According to Ortegón, the fact that emergencies have not yet been known or that there has been no need to prevent a situation, speaks of the efficiency of the product and the good reaction on the part of the end user.

"The customer satisfaction is complete, since they know the brand and the new technologies of the system. The local support of the brand is very wide in terms of service, warranty support, spare parts, options for corrective and preventive maintenance, etc. The system does not give false alarms and is 100% stable and reliable."

Finally, the invited firm in this Success Story gave a recommendation to all hoteliers who are currently looking to install their fire detection system: "That they take advantage of the advantages offered by networked distributed systems, since they allow large-scale hotel installations, such as the one we mentioned in this article, are protected in all your areas in a very efficient way and with a stable and reliable system. It's important that they evaluate the local support and support that each brand they're evaluating has."
Integrating firm: Cemelco – Argentina / Supported by Segman - Mexico
Manufacturers involved: Notifier by Honeywell
Contact: Merce Sun Weaver
Email: [email protected]
Company covered with installation and country: Hotel Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort, Cancun, Mexico.

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