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Education at Inspiredesign

Between February 1 and 3, 2010, design and architecture professionals for hospitality, adult housing and the health market will be able to attend the educational and illustrative series of the Inspiredesign event, which will be held at the World Market Center Las Vegas.

The conferences, which will be presented by the official media of the event, Latin Press Inc, with its magazine GERENCIA DE HOTELES Y RESTAURANTES, and the magazines Interior Design and Hotel Business, as well as the World Market Center Las Vegas, will be held in the mornings and will have no cost for attendees and exhibitors.

Regarding this topic, Gerry Seibel, Director of Inspiredesign, expressed his satisfaction at having publications that cover the industries to which the event is aimed, and assured that attendees will feel, motivated, inspired and above all will be better informed thanks to these sessions on the important topics of the industries.

On the first of February, at 1:00 p.m. will be presented the photographic essayist Dewitt Jones, who has 20 years of experience as a freelancer for National Geographic. Jones will introduce participants to the secret to his success: creativity.

Inspiredesign attendees will also be able to learn more about the future of hotels, thanks to the interior design magazine program, which will showcase the modern rooms of the accommodations decorated and created by various architecture and design firms. The equipment of these rooms will be made with the products of the exhibitors of the event.

- Publicidad -

Latin Press, for its part, will take advantage of Las Vegas' important position as an international design destination and will generate a half-day panel, in Spanish, with regional speakers, specializing in design for hospitality.

Hotel Business will present "The Green Debate", where a panel will be held with hospitality executives, who have explored the obstacles and advances of the sustainable hospitality movement. Also this magazine will present the discussion, "State Leaders in the Hospitality Industry", this panel will address the current state of development and design along with the challenges each sector is facing. Panelists will be: Roger Thomas, Executive Vice President of Wynn Design and Development, Peter Hapstak, Design Director of CORE Architecture + Design, Roger G. Hill II, CEO and President of Gettys, Bill Langmade, President of International Purchasing Management and Jon Nehmer, Founder and President of JN&A.

The networking area will be sponsored by IIDA, which will present two accredited seminars, one focused on new trends in healthcare and the other exploring the convergence of healthcare and hospitality design.

Last but not least, a panel on technology and design will be developed, created by Hotel Business, which will explore the tasks that owners, buyers and designers have in adapting their designs within the advancement of hospitality technology.
(In the photo: Grand Plaza of the World Market Center Las Vegas)

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