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Bathrooms, reliable and durable

Get to know one of the oldest installations of bathroom supplies made by the Mexican company Helvex in the Royal Hotel of that country, which stands out for its duration and reliability.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

The bathrooms are an essential part of a hotel, they are responsible for giving the guest the feeling of cleanliness, cleanliness and comfort that is needed and that should be one of the priorities in the rooms of this type of establishments.

Its design and durability also play an important role, because what better feeling than arriving in a hotel room and having the opportunity to take a good bath after a long and exhausting trip in a visually pleasant, comfortable and spacious place.

Therefore, in this edition of its magazine GERENCIA DE HOTELES & RESTAURANTES we will carry out a case study with the Mexican company Helvex, designer of keys and bathroom accessories, which selected one of its most important projects in hotels to make it known to our readers.

- Publicidad -

Helvex sought to highlight an installation made more than 27 years ago at the Royal Hotel in Mexico, in which it wanted to demonstrate that its products, in addition to aesthetics, offer durability and reliability to its users.

The engineer José Francisco Gavito Matus was the person who was in charge of the work in this hotel and in other establishments in the country that also installed the products of the Mexican company. With it we will analyze the process and the results obtained.

The engineer Gavito began by expressing that the objective of all the facilities he performs is to be able to do simple maintenance and that they demand the lowest possible cost: "We always seek to make simple installations to be able to give them a good maintenance and that this process is not complicated, that is why we try to do everything with these products, because it is less feasible that the installation that I deliver presents a contingency when it comes to maintenance".

And he added that "there were some renovations and extensions in which you see the quality of the product, especially when we have to break part of what already existed to put a new piece, which shows the state in which it is and gives us an indication of what should be done."

About the Hotel Roya, specifically, the engineer said that the installation was carried out more than 25 years ago in the 162 rooms that the establishment has, plus some public areas: "We have just remodeled the Royal Hotel, and the important thing is that this hotel was inaugurated in 1982 with a number of Helvex products and when it comes to remodeling it they are still in force since they were changed. "

On the demands made by the hotel to the manufacturing company, José Gavito indicated that there was none, because they had already established and knew the company with which they would work: "No demand, nobody questioned me that I put the brand that I wanted. A hotel, after a hospital is one of those that has more traffic and therefore the products must guarantee reliability. What is needed is durability, even if it is not visually the most impressive, and even the cheapest lines have reasonable quality and prices. Many people have the habit of choosing the cheapest and then that can be expensive, I repeat that durability is the most important thing."

The process
A technical study is vital to analyze and know the needs of the hotel in terms of the systems and products that the bathrooms of the rooms should wear. The remodeling and repair process they carry out at the Royal Hotel was described by the guest engineer as follows:

"The process is very simple, first you have to make a sample of a bathroom and see in what state what you have installed is, to make an analysis of its possible durability, if it is something that is in very good condition and can withstand several years is maintained. For example a mixer of a wash. We do not hesitate to change a single lever from a shower, but in a mixer that can last you about ten more years there is no need to make extra expenses. In a minor repair it's about maintaining almost everything."

- Publicidad -

One of the reasons why they carry out the renovations is due to the responsibility of the hotel with its guests, Gavito said that it is necessary to make a continuous follow-up so as not to take unpleasant surprises: "At the time we turned 25 years old with the hotel we did a simple remodeling and at the beginning of 2008 we remodeled it again, the keys are in place and everything was perfect."

The previous study
During the preliminary project, the hotel carried out several studies to find the most suitable systems for the place: "First we make a fourth-sample according to a preliminary project, we leave it fully clothed and then we will pay, so that we can have a comparison of what could be the difference between one and another product, when we are in an agreement we look for the way in which the article has the level of quality we need".

The study to select the most appropriate company for installation inside the bathrooms was based on the history of the company and the competition.

"What matters beyond whether a product is old or modern is that it works well, there is a thought in the hotel industry that is immovable and that is the quality of the hidden facilities," said the engineer.

Finally and on the satisfaction of the end user, Gavito Matus said that it is difficult to make a measurement on what customers think, however, it is enough for them to know that they have not received negative comments: "It is an issue that can not be evaluated, what I could say is that they have not sent us negative comments, which is a pretty positive indicator about the performance of the products."

Installation signature: Independent
Manufacturer involved: Helvex
Contact: Guadalupe Cortés (Public Relations)
Email: [email protected]
Hotel covered with the installation: Royal Hotels, Mexico
Installation dates: 1982 and renovations in later years

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