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Nh hoteles implements its 'quality focus' strategy: new online and offline ways to guarantee customer satisfaction

• The chain has implemented a state-of-the-art tool to monitor its online reputation: it compiles, analyzes, evaluates and compares with the competition, any comments on the web about NH Hoteles and its establishments.• In addition, NH Hoteles receives annually about 100,000 satisfaction surveys via email from its customers and is the only chain that contacts by telephone those who request an additional contact.• Surveys, Web comments and periodic analysis of 'mystery guests' manage to optimize customer satisfaction.• The chain can, thus, redesign or reinforce its continuous training programs (NH Unviersity) according to the areas of improvement identified by its customers.

The care in customer service has always been a priority for NH Hoteles and its culture of quality has been based on continuous improvement: therefore, the chain now redoubles its efforts to know and optimize the degree of satisfaction of its guests based on technological innovation and the horizons of the web. To this end, through its Quality Department, it has developed new channels of dialogue with its customers and has launched cutting-edge tools for the analysis of ratings and comments on the chain on the Internet. Satisfaction surveys, computation and analysis of online opinions and the meticulous study carried out periodically by the 'mystery guests' who visit the establishments allow, in this way, to ensure a customer experience tailored to each need, each trip, each person and each desire.


The web and networks 2.0. today they are subscribed territories for the exchange of opinions, comments, suggestions, complaints and recommendations on any product and service and particularly, for the hotel sector. Networks such as Tripadvisor, Booking, Atrápalo and many others, currently enjoy a very high level of credibility among current and potential audiences and have a crucial weight in the purchase or reservation decision. To analyze and improve the online reputation of its brand and its 400 establishments around the world, NH Hoteles has developed its own online feedback tracking tool about the chain. Quality Focus Online locates in these networks of the hotel sector any mention of the hotels of its chain, registers them and compares them with 5 direct competitors (at the brand level, at the country level and even hotel by hotel). In this way, the chain is able to know exactly and in real time what is commented on the chain and its hotels both on the Internet and on social networks, which services are the most valued (customer service, facilities, location, cleaning, restoration, comfort ...), which are considered unsatisfactory and what details are valued most by Internet users. Recommendations, complaints or praise poured on the web are, thus, collected and analyzed and the chain can proceed to identify and solve any aspect that can be improved in its hotels, or it can be ratified in the innovations that customers welcome with more pleasure (be they new products -openings, rehabilitations, reforms- or new services -breakfasts, innovations in the gastronomic chapter ...) The information, accessible in real time to all central service employees and hotel managers, is analyzed daily in the Quality Department, processed and disseminated to the departments involved in each service. In addition, each hotel manager evaluates and analyzes these results with his team and reinforces or implements improvements, as the case may be, in those services that have obtained improvable scores. The key is the speed in identifying possible problems and giving them a solution in a very short time since it is transmitted by customers. The reflections or lessons that can be extracted from the web comments, can reach any of the 18,000 employees who currently work for NH Hoteles, making them accomplices, thus, of the quality project of the chain. NH Hoteles can, for its part, redesign or reinforce its continuing education programs (the well-known NH University) based on shortcomings or areas of improvement that can be identified. The chain has also established that the remuneration of the directors of its hotels depends on a variable of the monthly and historical results that the Quality Focus Online tool throws annually.

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The measurement of online reputation is not, however, the only mechanism available to NH Hoteles to know the opinion of its customers. The chain also sends weekly satisfaction surveys to its guests staying for the last seven days. The 100,000 surveys received per year give information on the degree of general satisfaction of customers, location of the hotel, friendliness and efficiency of the staff, speed in the management of the reservation, state of conservation of the property, breakfast, etc. NH Hoteles is the only chain that, as part of this survey, asks its customers if they want the chain's staff to contact them to solve doubts, clarify issues or solve possible problems. Around 8% of respondents are requesting this additional service that commits to attend, within a maximum period of 72 hours, these requests. The chain sets a limit of four annual surveys (with a maximum of one per quarter) for each email contact, with the intention of not saturating its customers. Likewise, about 6,300 customers a year fill out the satisfaction forms available for each hotel through the NH Hoteles corporate website.And, in addition, external experts or mystery guests anonymously evaluate the quality of service in the different establishments of the chain according to a series of parameters known as "the 600 points of quality".


NH Hoteles ( ranks third in the European ranking of business hotels. NH Hoteles has 400 hotels with 59,202 rooms in 25 countries in Europe, America and Africa. It has among others 41 hotels in Madrid, 3 hotels in London and 5 hotels in Rome. NH Hoteles currently has 23 new hotel projects under construction, which will involve 3,000 new rooms. At NH Hoteles we are characterized by the vocation of service of our employees and the search for the satisfaction of our customers through the quality of our services and constant innovation. NH Hoteles establishments have the most advanced technologies to facilitate communication, work and entertainment. Catering is another of the priorities of the hotels of the chain, which offers its customers a first quality cuisine. In addition, NH Hoteles and prestigious restaurateurs such as Ferrán Adrià and Paco Roncero have created pioneering spaces in the hotel sector that combine catering, leisure and innovation for the chain's customers, such as "nhube" and "Estado Puro". In its commitment to culture, NH Hoteles is especially proud to have the support of the famous Nobel Prize in Literature Mario Vargas Llosa, who gives his name to the short story contest that the Company has been carrying out in recent years.

As a responsible company of reference in the tourism sector, at NH Hoteles we offer hospitality services that anticipate the needs of all our stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Shareholders, Society and Environment, with maximum care in detail and with efficient and sustainable solutions. NH Hoteles is listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange.

FOR MORE INFORMATION:Communication Department of NH Hotelestel: +34914519762Tel: +34 91451 97 18 (switchboard)Email: [email protected]

RESERVATION CENTERTel: 902 115 116 (From Spain)Tel: +800 0115 0116 (From AUS, BE, FRA, ALE, IRL, HOL, ITA, PT, SU, RU)Tel: +34 91 398 44 00 (From other countries)Web:

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