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Record energy consumption in Paraguay

Consumo récord de energía en ParaguayDespite the fact that the National Electricity Administration of Paraguay (Ande) had planned to implement a campaign of rational use of energy for the month of March 2013, the date on which it was forecast to reach the maximum peak of consumption with 2,338 megawatts, the situation changed by rushing the plan, since on December 11 this figure was reached unexpectedly.


According to data from the Ande the causes of this growth in consumption are the intense heat that comes with adverse weather conditions; but even more serious is the lack of awareness about the rational use of energy, which precipitated the peak of consumption.


- Publicidad -

In this sense, it is worth noting that the State owes ande some US$90 million for electricity. The largest defaulters are the Ministry of Education, the National Cement Industry and the Ministry of Defence.


The National Government has ordered that from 2013 20% of the debt plus annual consumption will be paid, year by year until the account is settled. This proposal is still pending approval by the Parliament of that country.


With the aim of rationalizing the use of electricity, the president of Paraguay, Federico Franco, announced that measures will be available aimed at the public sector, including a blackout of the lights of the López Palace during the nights.


The initiative is expected to be replicated in all public sector buildings to avoid wasting electricity. The powerful reflectors and high-consumption spotlights that give monumental lighting to public buildings and government departments in hours of low affluence raise the level of energy consumption.

- Publicidad -


According to Juan Carlos Álvarez, commercial manager of the Ande, in an interview with the national media ABC Color, "when we talk about efficient use of energy, in reality, it means reducing energy use and power on the demand side. That is, that customers efficiently use their facilities, their appliances, their equipment or replace their incandescent lamps with those of low consumption. All this adds upstream power to the electrical system."

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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