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Bogotá, Mexico and Rio, the most sustainable Latin cities

altInternational. In a ranking recently presented by Siemens and the C40 (Cities Climate Leadership Group) these cities are part of the group of the ten most sustainable in the world, obtaining recognition within the framework of the City Climate Leadership Awards.

The following is the full list and its progress in sustainability:

Bogotá: Urban Transport Award
Colombia's capital has been recognized for its efforts to revamp its taxi and bus fleets towards more efficient models. Transmilenio, the bus system created in 2000 and transporting more than 70% of the city's population, has achieved emission reductions of more than 350,000 tons a year. Among the future objectives of the city, an electric taxi project stands out, as well as the replacement of the current buses with hybrid and electric technology.

Melbourne: Construction and Energy Efficiency Award
Melbourne wins this award thanks to its Sustainable Buildings Program through which it offers support to building owners and managers to improve the energy and water efficiency of commercial buildings in the Australian city.

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Copenhagen: Carbon Planning and Measurement Award
Copenhagen's Climate Plan 2025 has been awarded the Carbon Planning and Measurement Award. It is about turning the capital of Denmark into a totally CO2-neutral city by 2025 by achieving, if successful, an emission reduction of 400,000 tons.

Mexico City: Air Quality Award
Despite the fact that in the past Mexico City was one of the cities with the highest pollution in the world, the "ProAire" project has achieved in the last two decades a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and consequently air pollution. This programme includes measures aimed at reducing industrial and automobile emissions, containing urban sprawl and public awareness campaigns.

Munich: Green Energy Award
Munich has set itself the goal of becoming a city 100% supplied by renewable energy by 2025. Although at present, green energy supplies 37% of its total demand, the wind projects launched will allow the city that in 2015 80% of the energy consumed comes from renewable sources.

Rio de Janeiro: Sustainable Communities Award
The urban revitalization plan called Morar Carioca aims to redevelop, by 2020, all the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. These are a total of 55 projects to improve infrastructure and urbanization and will affect 20% of the population of the Brazilian city.

New York: Adaptation and Endurance Award
New York City has won the Adaptation and Resilience Award thanks to the action plan launched after Hurricane Sandy - "Stronger New York, More Resilient" includes 250 measures focused on the reconstruction of the areas affected by the sandstorm as well as the reinforcement of the buildings and infrastructures of the North American city.

San Francisco: Waste Management Award
In 2002 San Francico launched the "Zero Waste" program to become a "Zero Waste" city by 2020. Eleven years after its inception, this program has avoided taking 80% of its garbage to landfills by separating it between recyclable, compostable and garbage waste.

Singapore: Smart City Infrastructures
Singapore's intelligent transport system has been the key to success in achieving this award. This system incorporates a series of technologies such as taxis equipped with GPS or the installation of electronic tolls. These measures have allowed Singapore to become one of the cities with one of the lowest congestion rates in the world.

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Tokyo: Finance and Economic Development Award
In 2010 Tokyo launched the "Cap & Trade" Program and currently has 1,100 member establishments. This trade program has made it possible to reduce emissions by 13% in the city and has prevented the emission of more than 7 million tons of CO2.


Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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