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Learn details of a pre-authorization system for buildings

Latin America. QPass is an ultra-versatile Web-based access pre-authorization system for control points, supported on LAMP on AWS, used for those sporadic visits that do not require a control card or fixed authentication mechanism.

Through web interfaces and mobile apps customizable to each client, a host summons a group, from one person to the number of people who support the space in question.  The summoned receive in their email an invitation also personalized with a two-dimensional barcode, unrepeatable and encrypted in its content, with which they are presented at the controlled access points for their entry. 

With a fixed reader or with a mobile application (Android or iOS), the barcode is read and the person is allowed or denied access.

The central system runs on the cloud for access by any host for the generation of their events and invitations, capturing directly, selecting from their agenda that is being built, or uploading a file. CSV for larger volumes.  

- Publicidad -

On-site operation can be within a local network, with a local server synchronizing in real time with the cloud, or using internet networks (WiFi or cellular) for direct automatic validation.

Codes can be multi-use (multiple reads), or single-use, invalidated immediately after reading.  

Allowed readings can be controlled by different parameters from pre-defined business rules in order to take full advantage of a guest's interaction with a database that identifies them.  

Some examples of these business rules are as follows:

  • Permission or restriction of time or date.
  • Permission or restriction by access point, when there are multiple inputs or outputs.
  • Sequence of use, limited to reading by a starting point and subsequent points in a given order.
  • Authorization of events by a primary user.
  • Additional actions to be exercised depending on the reading made (ask for identification, direct it along a path or route, among others).

The practical applications of the system are unlimited, as it applies to any access control point where a pre-authorized person speeds up traffic.  

Additionally, a point of special relevance is that the security of the point in question is strengthened because the host validates the person by precapturing their data, operating limits are established based on needs or definitions by the host himself or those responsible for security, and additional actions can be exercised at the point, such as comparing an ID against the captured record or even against images of previous interactions, in case of repeated visits. 

When the information is captured by the hosts at a time other than the access, the effort is diluted among multiple participants and is also transferred to other moments in time, releasing processing load and time at the time of access.

- Publicidad -

QPass is a registered system that is marketed under a license that grants technical support, as well as major and minor updates developed during the licensing period.

The system is constantly evolving and updating, which gives as a benefit that users always have an updated, modern system that reflects the changing needs of security, operation and usability that these times demand.  

Some of the benefits of the system are:

  • Generation of operation statistics from transactions: historical reports and list of future events that allow anticipating operational resources; real-time utilization reports for a better understanding of the operation
  • Conformation with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, especially compliance with the exercise of ARCO Rights by the guest
  • Primary users with all privileges and secondary users dependent on the former
  • Combination with other hardware elements triggered by reading (taking a picture from a video surveillance camera or USB, for example)
  • iOS and Android mobile apps for creating events across mobile devices, whether phones or tablets
  • Mobile application on both platforms for personnel at checkpoints, both to allow or deny access, and to obtain information about the carrier

The system has been successfully implemented in condominiums and corporates in different locations in the cities of Mexico and Puebla, serving more than 15,000 main users and more than 40,000 secondary users, exceeding the objectives originally established in terms of flow of attendees, security, control and attention span.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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