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Ana María Mesa, new President of the CCCS Board of Directors

Colombia. Ana María Mesa Mejía, Manager of Management, Innovation and Sustainability of Constructora Conconcreto S.A., was appointed last Thursday, April 28, as the new President of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS).

He succeeds Carlos Alfredo Vargas Dávila, Strategic Unit Manager of PRODESA, who held this position between April 2010 and March 2016. Both Constructora Conconcreto and PRODESA are Founding Members of the CCCS.

In the splicing session, the Association expressed its gratitude for all the strategic contributions of the outgoing Board of Directors (2013-2016), and especially to the members of the Executive Committee (or board of directors), its President, Carlos Alfredo Vargas, Prodesa, Vice President, Andrés Santamaría, Apiros, and Treasurer, Andrés Alvarado, Abacus Real Estate. To know the new Board of Directors of the CCCS visit the following link.

"Successful organizations are those that open the field to new leaders, which in the case of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction add great competences, from the different links of the value chain of the industry. As a result, the association will continue to grow in the space that it has earned very meritoriously, as a collaborative leader and technical reference in the field of sustainable development of the construction industry," said Carlos Alfredo Vargas Dávila.

- Publicidad -

 "Since 2010 the Council has made great strides in the scope and relevance of research activities, communications, open and on-demand training, and the offer of very high quality events," Vargas said as a balance of the 2010-16 management. "Also in the deployment of strategic alliances, the regional project, the relevance of international management and effective support to the process of improving the regulatory framework and incentives for sustainable construction."

The CCCS has had a technical voice in all the recent regulatory developments on sustainable construction and urbanism and it is evident that the sector is winning with the following initiatives: the policy of sustainable construction guidelines, Decree 1285 of 2015 of the Minvivienda, the adoption of its Guide for saving water and energy in new buildings, Resolution 549 of 2015, and the regulatory progress of the incentives of Law 1715 of 2014 for renewable energies. "Under the leadership of Ana María Mesa, the Council will continue to strengthen and we will continue to demonstrate the viability and benefits of promoting sustainable development in the construction industry," Vargas added.

"Every step that the Council has taken in recent years has been taken with all the seriousness and professionalism, without generating false expectations, and without falling into the temptation of announcing the unfulfillable, or the financially unviable for the industry," Vargas concluded.

When accepting the appointment Ana María Mesa Mejía expressed "For Constructora Conconcreto it is an honor and a joy to be part of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction and represent our sector on the Board of Directors. Sustainability is part of the essence of the company, it is a commitment to social, environmental and economic responsibility in each project and area where our organization is present".

"We seek and create innovative solutions that allow us to add value and be more competitive, minimizing the impact on the environment and improving the quality of life of human beings. This is how we are committed to contributing our knowledge and management to transcend and accompany the vision of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction, "said Mesa.

For the CCCS, and according to its Executive Director Cristina Gamboa, the focus of the management has been on generating value for its Members and allies, disseminating the knowledge and message of sustainability with technical rigor and promoting the use of verification/ certification tools in sustainable construction such as LEED, HQE, BREEAM, EDGE and the CCCS House Referential, among others. This diversity of instruments is necessary to raise the degree of sustainability of all buildings, new and existing, and of cities in general.

In these years for the CCCS, the realization of collaborative projects with all the entities involved in the innovation agenda of the construction value chain has also been a priority area of work, always in permanent observance of the code of good governance and the values of the association: transparency, rigor, inclusion and integrity.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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