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Commercial and residential alarm systems via cell phone

Latin America. Tyco Security Products introduces the DSC GS4005 / 3G4005 Universal Cellular Communicator, designed to consolidate and enhance the functionality of commercial and residential alarm systems through an accessible solution for migration to cellular communications.

The DSC Universal Communicator enables the upgrade of almost all current telephone  line alarm panels to GSM/3G cellular connectivity. The incorporation of cellular communications allows for more robust system security, as it eliminates the risk of an intruder cutting a cable and disabling communication, and generates less costs and greater practicality for customers who want to move from landlines to mobile phones.

Residential and enterprise customers also benefit from the added functionality of the DSC Universal Communicator that reinforces the intelligence of today's systems through mobile control and advanced features. Users can arm or disarm their system remotely via a mobile device and receive detailed notifications about alarms via voice and SMS commands and notifications.  In addition, by incorporating the DSC  universal communicator it is possible to enable basic smart home functions, such as the control of smart light switches.

"Our universal communicators enable a more economical and seamless transition to a more secure and robust wireless communication system, as well as advanced functionalities and basic smart home features that instantly add value and extend the utility of an existing system," said Hernán Herrera, product marketing manager for Tyco Security Products' intrusion detection division. "Our industry's transition to cellular communications is critical not only for end customers, but also for telcos whose goal is to replace aging phone  networks with voice-over-IP infrastructure."

For those customers on tight budgets who want to upgrade their system without incurring the expense of a new alarm system, the DSC universal communicator prolongs the life of the alarm panel by allowing customers without landlines to continue using their current PSTN-only panels. Customers also generate savings by moving to cheaper cellular communications in areas where fixed phone line costs are higher.

- Publicidad -

Support for HSPA (3G) networks will allow for a longer life of the customer's system, avoiding worries when cellular providers no longer support 2G networks. Some countries are already experiencing the effects of 2G communications and the 3G version of communicators becomes the best and most cost/effective solution to extend the life of systems.

The GS4005/3G4005 is also a future-ready communicator. As internet connections are becoming more popular in the residential and commercial markets, there is a need  to include universal IP/Ethernet communicators. The platform on which the GS4005/3G4005 is built will allow the addition of the necessary modules for IP/Ethernet communication. The result: more universal communicator variants including Cellular, IP/Ethernet and dual, with a much shorter time to market.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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