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Do you know how to properly manage energy?

Mexico. Chicago Digital Power (CDP), an expert in AC-based power backup products and services, explains how to make the right decision to eliminate the risk of being connected to a commercial power supply line and thus properly protect electronic equipment.

Having so many options on the market it is difficult to know which is the best or what is the optimal support that is required, in principle it should be evaluated what is the most recurrent problem that occurs in the location where the devices are located or where they are most frequently used.

High and low voltages

Although there are no figures in the country that objectively indicate the size of the damage that energy variations cause to equipment in companies and individuals, it can well be said that it is the first cause of damage that must be prevented; after all, who does not know a friend or relative who has lost some appliance or gadget due to this type of variations.

A regulator such as the R2C-1008 OF CDP of 1000VA that has 4 output contacts arranged to regulate high and low voltages, in them you can connect equipment that by its use do not require an extra load of energy to remain on even after a power outage, such as television screens, disc readers or video consoles.

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It also has 4 contacts for the suppression of voltage peaks designed to connect non-essential devices. As if this were not enough, this equipment provides additional protection for coaxial cable, its use focuses on the elimination of harmonics in the audio/video signal of the cable signal, making the image sharper, in addition to protecting the television screen from a possible electric shock by this secondary route.  In addition, the hidden LED display indicates abnormal power and input voltages.

Voltage Regulation + Power Backup

It is important to recognize every need to avoid not only budget mismanagement but the proper care and protection of assets.  For cases when looking for a solution that not only protects the equipment from the frequent voltage variations present in a country or area with this type of problem, but also conserves energy for an extra time after the cut in order to keep the equipment energized, long enough to be able to support the information with which it is operating, that's when you should look for a No Break with voltage regulator included.

The No Break RUPR-1008 OF CDP of 1000VA with 8 output contacts, 4 to regulate voltage variations plus a power backup and another 4 for the suppression of peaks, this equipment also has a protection breaker that protects both the load and the device itself from a possible short circuit or some overload, Power button and a charge level indicator to know how much power you have left from the power outage.  It would be ideal to protect computer equipment, routers and modems in the office, while at home, video game consoles and home theaters.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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