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ALAS Management Summit was held with enormous success

International. 260 executives, presidents and security leaders from 20 different nationalities met in Miami during the ALAS Management Summit on July 27 and 28 to discuss and update on the trends, opportunities and challenges facing the Latin American security industry.


Attendees found a complete academic agenda with 13 conferences, exhibition of 42 exhibitors, a panel discussion with manufacturers of security systems, networking activities and awards and recognitions.


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For the sixth time, the Latin American Security Association held the ALAS Management Summit, an annual event that brings together managers and decision-maker leaders from the main companies and users of security systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.


The academic agenda featured leading speakers who focused on security, ICT and IoT market trends, end-user needs for security systems, risk management, new business opportunities brought by World Trade Organization regulations, and Brazil and Mexico's perspectives on security and crime.


Coaching and leadership conferences were also part of the programming, which managed to strengthen the attendees' competencies for teamwork and sales management.


Mario Ramírez, Undersecretary of Road Safety and Control of Medellín in Colombia, considers that the event is an opportunity to "understand more about the field of safety to make investment projections and generate contacts." Likewise, Marcelo Gabriel Fernandez, Manager of Patrimonial Security of Paladini in Argentina, said "the Summit has an excellent level of speakers and the topics were very well selected by the organization. I take an important baggage of knowledge and the joy of having been part of it. I will surely attend again in 2017."

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The Summit was a unique opportunity to learn about the new technologies that break into the security market, 42 exhibitors showed the latest developments in video surveillance systems, access control, secure identification, monitoring centers, alarms, automation, among other technologies.


In this regard, Alejandro Rodríguez de Avigilon, one of the exhibitors, said "we had the pleasure of being at the 2016 Summit, it has been a very good event, with excellent quality attendees, we have had the opportunity to show the company's solutions and do several networking sessions with all attendees. Really the level of people is very high, because they are decision makers. We are very happy with our participation this year."


The recognitions and awards also had a place at the Management Summit. During the welcome cocktail held on July 27, the 2016 ALAS Awards were presented.

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They received the following awards:


  • Jaime Caicedo of Robotec Colombia and Mario Andrés Ramírez of the Municipality of Medellín, first place public project.
  • Daniel Jiménez and Miguel Zuñiga from America Free Zone, first place private project
  • Daniel Marino of Intelligent Security Systems Corp and Stuardo Rizo, second place public project.
  • Erick Fleming Boninha, Aries Cezzaretti and Arie Hornreich from Digifort, third place public project.
  • Alberto Arca from Oxatechnic, third place private project


Likewise, the jurors of the ALAS Award, Joseph Hoellerer, Manager of Government Relations of SIA, Giovanni Pichling, Security Manager at the Association of Banks of Peru; Antonio Macías, director for Latin America and the Caribbean of NFPA and Gustavo Gassmann, Vice President of ALAS, were recognized for their contribution in choosing the best security projects in Latin America.


Humberto De La Vega was also awarded the recognition of the trajectory for more than 30 years of service in the Security Industry from companies such as HID and in management positions in recognized organizations such as Smart Card Alliance SCALA and the Mexican Institute of Internal Auditors IMAI. Also for his participation in the founding of WINGS 19 years ago.


The event had the opportunity to carry out an activity for the benefit of low-income children from Florida participating in Mission 500. With the sponsorship of Segware, attendees assembled 100 backpacks with school supplies that will be delivered on August 12 at Crosspointe Elementary School.


The closing academic activity of the Management Summit consisted of a panel with the main manufacturers in the region, who discussed the future of electronic security systems, technological trends, the relationship with the Internet of Things, cloud solutions and distribution channels.


The seventh edition of the ALAS Management Summit will be held on July 26 and 27 again in Miami and will bring novelties such as technological tours that seek to make attendees achieve a greater understanding of the new technologies of the industry.


Some reactions:

Eduardo del Muro Cuellar of UL Mexico: "We were at the ALAS Management Summit, a wonderful event, we were the two days of the event, and from the first moment, we were able to link with a large number of key security actors in Latin America, we saw many colleagues and


especially to our customers; we plan with them on how they are going, where their security prospects are going in Latin America. We look like UL where we can fit in to solve the problems that are afflicting the industry and seeking to improve the quality of life of users, customers and of course, companies."


Diego Cacciolato de Bykom, assistant: "It is our first experience at the ALAS Management Summit, I am surprised by the profile of the participants, really very happy to be here, grateful to the people of ALAS who invited us, we are fulfilling the commitment and putting together the business plan to participate next year actively".

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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