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Vitally important telecommunications and energy management

Colombia. Telecommunications companies understand their leading role in the production processes of businesses of all kinds and to improve their responsiveness, they continue to update their platform and their work model.

At the core of their business are data centers, which support the information, interactions and transactions of millions of people and companies every second and this makes them one of the critical components for the development of new productivity models in the coming years.


According to Andrés E. Vásquez, Strategic Account Executive for Global Solutions at Schneider Electric,  "from the company, we support telecommunications companies to make smart investments in data center management." 

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A concept as novel as the Internet of Things, IoT, is already affecting the way we interact and communicate, not only between humans, but with machines and among themselves. According to research firm IDC, IoT spending will go from $2.712 billion in 2015 to $7.065 billion in 2020.  It forecasts that the growth of connected devices, devices and sensors will be 28.1 billion in 2020.


This new demand for services is already being analyzed by telecommunications companies, in order to provide their customers with value solutions that respond in real time to the demands of a highly connected, automated and constantly evolving world.


According to Andrés E. Vásquez, Strategic Account Executive Global Solutions at Shneider Electric, "An example of this is the need to work on what is called 'Edge Computing', a solution based on micro data centers, with which it is possible to get closer to the user's transactions, reduce latency to a minimum, which is an urgent problem to solve, so that in the era of the Internet of Things and in particular the Internet of Industrial Things, IIoT, the infrastructure of telecommunications companies support this volume of work."


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Thus, understanding these technological models will allow us to improve the productivity of the whole country. "This means that the way Schneider Electric works with telecommunications companies can be analyzed from two fronts. The first as customers, whom we serve and offer all our IT infrastructure products and services for their data centers, and secondly, as business allies, where telecommunications companies provide solutions to their customers, hand in hand with Schneider Electric, "says Vásquez.


On the other hand, Schneider Electric's experience and knowledge in the field of infrastructure for data centers and energy management for all types of enterprises, allows to solve the demands of implementation and configuration of solutions in less time.


"In the past, a data center deployment was thought of as a one-year job. Today, at Schneider Electric, these requirements can be solved in 12 weeks thanks to our prefabricated solution work points strategically located in the United States and Spain, and our rack cabinet production capacity in Colombia, we can quickly provide solutions for single-rack data centers up to complex and robust solutions up to 5MW". says Andrés Vasquez, Strategic Account Executive Global Solutions at Schneider Electric.


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Thus,  Schneider Electric manages to perfect the convergence between energy, automation and internet connectivity in data centers so that technology companies enjoy the most advanced technology and offer state-of-the-art services to their customers. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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